
Right?! I think this is just a human thing. I give my entire apartment a good deep clean at least once every two months, with lots of cleaning and tidying in between. But dishes are my kryptonite. It's like I do them ALL and within hours my sink is full again. I don't even know how. Luckily, dishes are my boyfriend's

Maybe because she's doing it correctly? Just a thought.

My husband and I both work full time, but I make a hell of a lot more money. (Also have a hell of a lot more debt with student loans so......six of one, half dozen of the other, eh?)

To play devil's advocate on the whole "men work more paying hours" so of course they can't do as much at home argument. I am a professional, single, childless (by choice, so none of this "Well that's on you", it is a choice I am happy with and I'm not complaining about my situation in the least.) I work approximately

Sounds like my house. I work on average 60 hours a week and frequently travel. My husband works around 30. We have a weekly maid and lawn service.

I can tell you how it works in my particular dual income household, where the wife works more hours and earns more money outside the house than the husband: the husband pays outsiders money to make as much of his share of the yardwork and household chores as possible not his problem. He is currently contemplating

Most men I know have these weird patches of messiness.

Facts & Statistics

I would love to see the day when the phrase "help with" followed by [child care or some household task] dies a painful death. "Help with" implies that it's none of that person's responsibility in the first place and that (s)he is pitching in out of the goodness of his/her heart. My husband doesn't "help with" the

Home maintenance is included: "Household activities are those done by persons to maintain their households. These include housework; cooking; lawn and garden care; pet care; vehicle maintenance and repair; home maintenance, repair, decoration, and renovation; and household management and organizational activities

The fact that you think that a washer full of wet clothes weighs 2 pounds is... cute.

Angry feminist raging? YOU are the one looking for a fight.

One thing I've noticed is that even when "most" men do a cleaning activity, they blow donkey balls at it. Like, when I sweep, I sweep a spot for as long as it takes to get all the visible dirt and beyond, and I go to strange lands like "between the toilet and wall". I know a lot of men who will drag a broom across the

Gee, if it's so easy, why don't men do half the work? That would shut us up!

Right but...how often do you have to build a fence? Once every ten years? As opposed to how often you have to do laundry or dishes.

As a guy who has been out of work for a few months, go back next month thank God, this is true

They are, aren't they? What is the sound of a million nerves being struck at the same time?

You get pay and recognition for that work.

Many women lose hours at work as they are the ones who take care of the kids when they can't go to school or daycare. They are the ones who take care of sick parents too. Since women do the majority of the caregiving they miss more work. Your mother's oncologist doesn't offer weekend appointments.

Hedgehog FTW.