
I don't care if he was backpacking through Europe and getting high every day. She agreed to care for the dog. She obviously changed her mind. There are several things she could have done before selling the dog. Call his parents to pick the animal up. Put the dog in a kennel and tell him he had to pay for it. Find

I'm with you. Sure, its terrible that the dude is serving in the military, but the simple fact remains that he left his dog with his girlfriend and expected her to be responsible for that dog. If you are asked to watch someones dog, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO YOU SELL THAT DOG whether you are working out of town, in

They are trying to keep it. That is the point and what is wrong.

I think he's trying to say they should return the dog even if the owner wasn't in the military/overseas

Two wrongs don't make a right, not to mention the power differences in our culture that you're ignoring.

I get what you're saying, but I don't find misogyny any more acceptable no matter how horrible the woman it's directed at, any more than I find, say, Paula Deen's racism more acceptable because she only directs her racist slurs at black people she believes are bad (that was actually her defense. I sincerely doubt the

So you reserve a descriptive word for vulva/vagina when describing "certain types of assholes" and you don't see anything wrong with that?

But cunts aren't bad. Cunts are awesome. Why are we using CUNT, a wonderful, lovely thing, when describing something BAD?

I did not. But I am, sadly, more or less used to that kind of horribleness—it's a daily occurrence. Feminists proudly proclaiming that misogyny is just fine as long the woman it's directed against is really, really bad, however... I expect better. And I expect a lot fucking better from cassiebearrawr, who is way

I cannot imagine what vision and/or reading problems you must have if you can't find "even one" negative comment about a woman in a comment section overflowing with misogynistic vitriol toward her (the vitriol is fully earned. The misogyny is not).

The fact that you not only said this seriously, but it also got 11 recommends, is the most depressing thing I've seen on Jezebel in months.

This woman is absolutely a horrible human being, but misogynistic slurs don't stop being misogynistic just because the specific woman they're directed at is horrible, any more than racist slurs stop being racist when they're used against horrible people of color. It's also worth noting that the defense you're

So... call that person an asshole?

Amen! I used to always here parents make excuses for their kids bad behavior! It was never the kids fault. A guy who I know who has a PHD was talking about that today with us and he said that one time he came home with bad grades in school. He told his father that he had bad grades because the teacher didn't

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that these kids are spoiled and entitled as fuck, as are the parents. Yeah, last week, my toddler got SOOOPER attached to another kid's dump truck at the park. My kid was practically having an emotional affair with that damn truck. But he had to deal with the fact that he

Yes, counseling children has led to my opinion that many parents are fairly bad at their job, a job that many of them never wanted in the first place and were never actually qualified to do. For example, you don't know how to form complete sentences.

Also it would be a good lesson to the children to return something to it's rightful owner if it was wrongfully taken from him/her/them

Sadly none of them can ever do undercover work ever.

Woot!! We're posting Hong Kong cop movie posters now? Here is one from my favourite Johnnie To movie: