Ruth Skater Ginsburg.
Ruth Skater Ginsburg.
"He" is a "she" who is a top-notch Civil War scholar who has expanded Harvard in the sciences, online, and internationally; and who has also made access to Harvard to students of all financial backgrounds a top priority.
"Well helllooooo, fine foxy ladies!"
Those dour henna-haired Russian women are the scourge of Allston-Brighton as well as every TJ Maxx across Boston.
Now this is fan-fic I can get behind! Costco, Supreme Court, Hillary...
Totally agree with you, especially about the social graces. It's polite to greet the person you'll be swapping air with for at least a few hours, and then gauge if the level of privacy or conversation they want meshes with what you want, and indicate clearly where you stand.
I also enjoy a bit of chat on a flight (or anywhere, really), and I agree that most travelers have really interesting stories. My family and I travel a lot, and the variety of people and their experiences still intrigues me. A Fijian woman I met at the gate who was planning her daughter's wedding and I griped about…
You all have big hearts and renew my faith in humanity! It's no wonder kids like you back.
I play male characters 3/4 and female characters 1/4 of the time, which upon reflection is representative of the options. My brother, who games far more than me, plays female 90% of the time. Could be because it's his comfort zone since he grew up in a family of girls and now has a wife and several daughters, but…
Phil Yu and his Angry Asian Man blog and Youtube channel are excellent! In fact, when I first read the title of this article, I thought it was going to be about Phil Yu.
The baddest Jew this side of Tel Aviv!
Umm, you need to cite your sources. NAMES! I WANT NAMES, DAMN!
We must be neighbors! We also see Ming Tsai around the 'hood; and not only is he damn fine and a real mensch, but he also regularly donates his culinary skills to support local causes like women's shelters, inner-city youth clubs etc.
According to the linked article, there have been very few actual "rentals":
I've worked with multiple immigrants to the NY area as an ESL/vocational volunteer, and my experience sadly resembles yours. A strikingly higher-than-average proportion of the Russian immigrants I worked with had a xenophobic and racist attitude of entitlement — denigrating other (and particularly non-white)…
I can imagine the bumper sticker: "Don't come prayin' if the bus is swayin'"
With Jesus as your mechanic, I bet your microbus gets awesome mileage!
I also found the charger-bag idea patronizing, as if the lady-mind couldn't grasp the concept of a powerpack but could understand "pretty bag lets you keep chatting!" It reminds me of those pink toolkits with pink hammers marketed towards women.
We use the Anker & RavPower power packs all the time — got them in every size from the 5000maH that we toss in the bag or backpack every day up to the 14000maH that keeps the iPads juiced for long flights. They're always on sale on Newegg or Amazon, and both those brands use the high-quality Samsung cells.
Pippi Longstocking!