
Of course there are plenty of stupid State Senators and Harvard grads. However, I'd bet that the likelihood of stupidity characterizing someone who is both a State Senator and a Harvard Law grad because she "...worked her way from a trailer park to graduate ... with honors" is far far lower.

Tony Jaa's making Fast & Furious 7, so maybe he'll gather all the My Little Ponies to drag race the kidnapping mofos and rescue Charlie.

There must always be a Stick in Waterfell.

We've got lots of Asian husband/white wife couples among family and friends, and 20 years ago that did stand out a bit more than the common WH/AW families — enough so that back then, a few Asian guy friends used to jokingly call themselves mail-order grooms, because they started noticing the openly curious (and

All God's peoples need hobbies.

Absolutely. That is SO weird.

The media constantly makes a concerted effort to marginalize Asian men as sexual beings.

LOL, are you replying to TheRamblerian, secret twin to governmentsgetgirlfriends?

What?! "Asian women are just as obsessed with white men as white men are with them"

Sounds as if your 4-year old would enjoy skimming the NYT wedding section! There's usually at least a couple of announcements for same-sex marriages. It's fun to see how often and how closely partners — hetero and gay — resemble each other.

Huh- huh-hu-huh. I - like - science.

This is exactly it: He who controls the spice, controls the universe. Only substitute "money" for "spice".

You look great, and I love that photo!

This is exactly my strict volunteer strategy as well. I formulated it when, early in our oldest child's school career, I found myself at the mercy of a co-room mother who couldn't be bothered to hang the 100 freaking mini-flags of the world which she had insisted on ordering for the classroom fair — but could spend

Same here, our parents turned up for the holiday assemblies and conferences, and sent in the tray of rice krispie treats — and that was it, and more than enough.

SO true. All of it.

^That was also the first thing I thought when I read that part about "someone's paid employee" — so much bitterness!
