
I am so relieved to be sitting next to children. They are delightful. Men who take advantage of my inability to get away to sleazily hit on me, or bloviate trying to impress me? Not so delightful. If I could request 'seat me next to children' while booking a ticket, I would pay extra. Anything to avoid men.

I'm glad this article came out because there are so many 20-somethings who feel like Talking is Totally Unacceptable or if you start, the person is going to talk your ear off for 500 hours. Or Stranger Danger. Something.

Last month I was on a Southwest flight with a fair amount of turbulence on the descent. I don't mind turbulence in the least but I know it (especially at that level) makes a lot of people nervous.
But a few rows up was the most adorable toddler who started laughing HYSTERICALLY every time we hit a bump. Like,

I got to sit next to an adorable 8 year old flying alone once! We chatted the entire flight; at the end, I was tempted to kidnap her and bring her home with me. I loved that kid.

Don't usually mind either! I think my relationship only survived the return trip from the new year holiday (including unplanned stop in different city) because I spent the last leg of the flight entertained by playing with the toddler in the seat next to me and the sound of the baby laugh made me human again instead

I lurve flying next to a decent kid. Honestly, I don't even really mind the screamy ones. Not their fault.

Totally this. I fly extremely frequently and I live on seatguru.com figuring out the best seats (and which to avoid) and usually paying extra for the seat I want. I almost always say no to change requests because a lot of time, research, and extra fees went into picking my seat and I'm not gambling on what I'm going

I have no beef about flying near a kid. I haven't had a bad experience doing it (and really, having a tiny person next you means you have more shoulder room!) but it's not an experience I look out for. As a Disney lover though, I imagine I'd be quite happy sitting next to a kid on his way to Orlando.

If they're offering an equivalent trade, sure, but if they're offering you a middle for your window or aisle, no.

I have never understood the unwillingness of people that refuse to talk to other on a flight. I fly a lot, and over the years I've been lucky enough to talk to a grandmother about her travels in Ghana and Amsterdam, a woman from India who was moving to Dallas and didn't know what to expect, a soldier telling me about

No, I love sitting with babies. I'm not bothered over much by the crying, either, and older kids are fun to play with. Unlike other flyers, they don't want to tell me about their medical problems, their grandchildren, or their personal histories, which makes a big difference.

One time two years ago I sat next to a 9-year-old who was flying alone. He started inexplicably crying while we were still sitting at the gate, and so I started asking him about his favorite subject in school and the like to distract him, and we talked for about 15 minutes. He must have decided we were friends,

I think I'm the only one around here who's overjoyed to sit next to/near a little kid.
One time I was flying home for break, coming form Orlando, and a 3 year old with a Mickey Mouse hat was in front of me. He babbled about DisneyWorld and we played peek-a-boo for 3 hours. It was the most enjoyable flight I've ever

And she shot a potato farmer in the head.

HA! I was thinking the same thing when they watched the giants hitch the gate to a MAMMOTH and start pulling. I was screaming "POUR THE OIL NOW OR DROP BARRELS OR SOMETHING. OMG WHY ARE YOU JUST WATCHING THEM BREAK DOWN THE GATE???"

Yeah, I was going to point this out. In Ollie's story, he lived a happy life with his father, the wood gatherer, and his mother, best potato boiler in The Gift. It was shattered one day when a red-headed wild-woman killed his parents with arrows while they were unaware. Ollie ran to the Night's Watch and alerted them

Yes! I hate that trope where "time stops" amid otherwise nonstop violence. I also found it hard to believe that he remained conscious after having his frontal lobe smacked into an anvil, but that's splitting hairs...

Another proof that this show is way too over-rated. How can somebody claim this is the best show on TV ever, when something like The Wire exists?

I honestly thought he was going to be holding her as she died and crying and some wilding would come up behind him and put an axe in his head.

shot by some little Zelda/Link motherfucker