
If that coco-wallet had "BAD MOTHERFUCKER" on it, the internet would go...bananas.

We used to have an old guy on a mobility scooter come into one restaurant I worked in. He seemed harmless enough until I found myself trapped in conversation with him about his intention to stab a 'friend' of his who had upset him. That wasn't the weird part though - the thing that really freaked me out was that he

So let's never address it and continue to let all assholes be ignorant assholes.

It's not overly sensitive, it's just annoying. Why are you making dumb jokes based on what you think you know of me? Why are you asking me specific questions that don't apply to me? It's a waste of my time.

Positive discrimination is still wrong. What if you are Asian or Asian-American and you don't fit into the box that someone else placed you in without your consent? Not everyone fits in these neat boxes nor do they want to.

The thing about decorating with religious symbols is only okay if the person has an appreciation for them — someone who studies mythology, or collects art including religious art. Just sticking a Buddha statue in the bathroom because it looks good and seems "classy" seems idiotic to me. Sort of like keeping a

I'm Buddhist tho not Asian, and it bugs me when people decorate with Buddhas. Try to explain it's like decorating with Jesus. They don't get it.

You're very fortunate that the worst ignorance you experienced was relatively innocuous. If you'd like, you can get a Gold Medal of Bravery for reacting reasonably to very mild things that would not have phased most people. But don't assume that everyone has grown up in the same generally accepting and progressive

I'm Asian, and most of my friends are not. I am not an exception in that way.

I don't think that's what the author was implying at all? She said "I'm sick of white guys with an Asian fetish trying to talk it off," not like..."I can't understand why any white man would ever be attracted to an Asian woman ever!"

Uh, when was the last time any man on Jez was insulted for his penis size? Mostly we just insult their idiocy, which should be totally valid to you unless you think penis = brain. Anyway, you're projecting!

I'm white and I definitely have trouble telling white guys apart in the movies. I swear 90% of 20-30 year old white male actors look EXACTLY alike. Can't tell the difference between Chris Pine or Chris Evans or any of the other ones.

Well, you know, wanting people to stop doing a thing isn't the same thing as thinking they're "hateful or stupid."

I can't blame you. am a blonde woman who still mixed up two blonde women in a movie because they looked so much alike ( both tall, thin, blonde hair similar in length) They need a little more diversity in the media.

Read the part again where no offense was taken, but it does get tiresome.....maybe not for the first 50 times it happens to you, but the 2nd 50 times. Dig?

There are 2,803,507 Smiths currently living in the US. There are 3,086 counties in the United States. This puts roughly 908 Smiths living in each county in the US (assuming they were equally distributed, which I doubt their are). I find it unlikely that they are all related.

I have trouble telling plastic-surgeried We Look Like TV People people apart.

Haa! Love it.

It's America. Anyone who wasn't a WASP had it bad at some point. I'm African American, so in the oppression olympics we probably come in second to Native Americans, but all of American history- Chinese Exclusion Act, Japanese Internment, etc- doesn't make me think we're the only ones with the right to be pissed.

You watched this video, and this is the takeaway that made you rage.