If I keep working hard, I'll get there someday!
If I keep working hard, I'll get there someday!
To figure out the drunkest state, I think you'd need to divide per capita alcohol consumption by the average body weight.
Good point, though to be fair, the fleur-de-lis has been in use a long, long time in a lot of places. My dad calls my Saints hat a "Boy Scouts cap."
More botanical fruits: string bean, zucchini, olive, avocado, caper, okra...
Obama would have us believe that guns are to blame, but nobody is talking about the REAL problem! Why do we insist on continuing to send our kids to school? How many times must this happen before we realize that our government is firmly in the pocket of Big Education, and that we should keep our kids safely at home?
Not according to the Supreme Court of the United States of America.
My wife's suggestion was that they put a Louisville Slugger into the logo, if they're going for cultural associations with their city.
I like the original. The background pattern represents the Crescent City Connection (the bridge between the East and West Banks of New Orleans), the purple is a traditional mardi gras color, and the the fleur-de-lis...wait...this is the logo for Louisville?
I don't begrudge them the ad revenue that my click on this article brought them. I had a really good laugh, and so if it helps pay the 15 minutes of salary for the "author" who aggregated it to this site that I like to visit, well good. Keep the change.
This is cracking me up. My wife is reading over my shoulder and just seconds ago told me about her friend, a New Orleans lawyer, visiting Virginia, and the trouble he went to in trying to explain to the dumb bouncer...."No, no, it's fine. I paid for this beer already, I'm just taking it outside. Is the problem with…
This is what I always try to get across to people whose impression of the city of N.O. is entirely based on their college/bachelor party trip where they never strayed more than a few blocks from Bourbon St. They seem to really believe that the whole city is nothing but strip clubs, tourist-trap bars, drunk tourists,…
Starred for the trophic level thing, which is a very compelling point that escapes a lot of folks, and for the cute story. I was hoping that it would end with Bimbo becoming the next "Dread Pirate Roberts," but the real-life ending is good too.
My wife can't even do that! (j.k. She can, she's just not good at it.)
That's amazing! (But wouldn't it look better hung on a wall?)
I never listened that closely, but I thought "Started from the bottom now we're here" was a sex song.
Smacking the hoop from her hand...
I have severe ADHD, and I am super mad about...whatever it is we're talking about! Something about sports, right?
All they need to destroy that line of questioning is to find a quote from Jerry Garcia, saying that student athletes should get paid.
How embarrassing!