
One way to look at it when someone reinforces something you said is that they couldn't read. Another way to look at it is that they aren't disagreeing with you about that. What I took issue with is that you seem convinced that your own experiences with injury and pain are a perfect representation of the amount of

This brings up a larger issue. Is it flopping worse than a soccer player, or flopping better than a soccer player? Also, do you turn up the A/C or turn down the A/C to make it colder?

I think the problem with his persona is that it is a persona. I get it, he's been on the front of the sports page since he was a sophomore in high school, so I don't really blame him for it. Still, it seems very staged and carefully managed. Stage managed, even. On the other hand, he seems to have a lot of close

I'm white, and can tell you for a fact that the Asians I hang out with only hang out with other Asians.

I suspect he isn't, though his public persona certainly rubs me the wrong way.

This is shocking to see for an athlete with his stellar career...how is it that nobody ever told him about Gatorade?

Boot & rally!

Let me help ... Great concept but I would have appreciated it more if he used "clowns' " instead of "clowns ".

I find it distasteful that someone with an avatar of Rudy Gay is talking about genetic freaks. Distasteful but very appropriate, given the arrangement of Rudy Gay's internal organs.

The blue collar thing is a nod to a comment thread higher on the page about how Coburn (I gathered that he's not as rich as most horse owners at this level) came off as low-class with his bitching.

Yogi Berra won 10 championships, along with a little competition called WWII, maybe you've heard of it? This horse couldn't win a measly three races, and frankly, I'm starting to suspect that it can't even hold a rocket launcher.

Thanks! I have trouble telling hockey guys apart. Is he really good or something?

There were a lot back when she made the decision to have surgery. None with anything at stake or a remotely legitimate criticism to make, mind you, but she definitely caught high levels of bullshit grief on the internet.

It's easy, here's an instructive example. "Yogi Berra stared blankly at his commanding officer, ears ringing with shell-shock, and the taste of blood in his mouth. So irony."

Depends what you were thinking...

If you're comparing apples to apples, LeBron scored 9 field goals in Game 1. Also, he employed his legs in scoring each one . How many goals did the hockey guy score using his jaw?

I don't think it even comes down to pain (which everyone experiences differently - I have many soccer friends who didn't know they done anything more than twist their knee until the doctor told them they'd ruptured their ACL.). Trying to play on an actively cramping muscle, especially a big one like a calf or quad,

Has anyone considered that it might be a conspiracy against both teams?

Chr-splish B-splosh?

Interesting, though, that with plenty of dumb and unironic Lebron hate to choose from, this little jest was the one that prompted such an outburst. Then again, in Los Angeles it must be tiresome having to deal with hilarious comedians on a daily basis.