Shouldn't the title be "Iguadala with impressive putback of Curry's miss?"
Shouldn't the title be "Iguadala with impressive putback of Curry's miss?"
Right, and they got that infection "from a locker room toilet seat..."
Where's Nate Silver? We need an infographic comparing the expected value of a Blake Griffin dunk attempt vs a Blake Griffin layup attempt!
I want to add that I am philosophically against penalties for showmanship or taunting during live play, if it doesn't give that player any strategic advantage. Usually I think it amounts to a disadvantage (slowing up, exposing the ball, moonwalking into the endzone, etc), and if I was the defender, I'd welcome any…
Based on all I've read and heard from current and former players, unbelievably vicious trashtalking happens all the time during games. Like, constantly. So unless they are also planning to flag verbal taunting* that occurs during live play, it seems like the point of this can only be to shield the audience from…
Fair enough, but would it kill them to have a quote from a woman with big boobs and no mustache?
There's no "I" in "win!"
Go to bed with itchy bottom, wake up with Brown finger.
At Uranus, things come out a little differently.
The actual quote is, "I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection."
Along those lines, how about, "Mission accomplished!"
"A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men." But you kind of lose points for messing up on a novel printed in English just a few decades ago.
The passage is originally from a 1947 passage that appeared in Reader's Digest, by F.L. Emerson.
As someone who used to have Hornets season tickets (when Chris Paul was still here) I highly resent this comment. I've heard from several friends that people still attend lots of the games! Apparently the team even has some young star with a big eyebrow who will be taking the league by storm this year, and three…
Well I'd like to throw another "orange soda" into the discussion...
It sure isn't my wife's tale. In fact, she has given me very explicit instructions that I am not to pee on her, under any circumstances.
I admit defeat and will stop grousing about it. The friends I watch football with owe you big-time!
Thanks for the link! But, has it always been thus? If the word "commentator" predates television sports broadcasts, I'll accept the distinction. If not, I'll continue to secretly disapprove.
Speaking of which, shouldn't "commentators" just be "commentors?" It's shorter, and means the same thing. I suppose I can give some very grudging props for verbing a verb: comment —> commentate. In another five years, they'll be "commentationizers."
Well defensed.