How exactly would trying to “close access” to Steam ever lead to over $1,000 in credit card charges. Talk about flimsy excuses.
How exactly would trying to “close access” to Steam ever lead to over $1,000 in credit card charges. Talk about flimsy excuses.
Homestar Runner has a new Marzipan’s Answering Machine and it’s over 30 minutes long!
I’m not saying it takes no skill, more of the opposite. Aiming with a control stick is pretty difficult.
The thought of having $1 million riding on players’ abilities to play a FPS with a gamepad doesn’t feel right.
PC Physical releases aren’t completely dead. IndieBox has been making some really nice special edition releases. I’ve been pretty pleased with the boxes I’ve gotten from them so far.
Apparently the couch is rigged up to act similarly to a mechanical bull. Twitch chat will supposedly have some measure of control over it.
He did. Couldn’t find a subtitled version on youtube though.
He’s not even the most banned developer on Twitch like he claims. Winged Cloud, developer of the Sakura visual novels, has three banned games on the list.
I made a couple of Metroid inspired levels that use power-ups for making progression. The first one has managed 8 stars so far.
Here’s a few good ones I haven’t seen yet.
I kinda want to see an edit of this film with all the scenes with actors in them removed. Kind of a higher budget version of the original short.
Sadly, it won’t happen. Factor 5 went bust years ago.
Actually it’s a big differece. Regardless of intent, that kind of reward only benefits those that would be playing the game anyway, and those players would be more likely to leave positive reviews. That in turn would artificially raise the game’s rating and likely increase the business the game does. That’s the issue…
The differece is that the reward is in-game currency in this case. If someone doesn’t like the game, that reward is pretty much worthless. With the Club Nintendo example, the reward could potentially go towards something unrelated to the product they didn’t like.
Nice, picking up Lords of Waterdeep. Had my eye on that since seeing it on Tabletop.
Nice, picking up Lords of Waterdeep. Had my eye on that since seeing it on Tabletop.
No, that’s when they’re going to actually give details about the thing. I’d imagine it’ll be a couple years at least before it hits shelves.
Well, it’s a start.
Was I the only one to read this like it was a Dave Barry article?
Apparently most of my rare achievements are from Monday Night Combat, probably due to the free-to-play periods. Still, one of them is extremely rare: