
I’m probably going to get shit for this opinion, but some people who are trying to do Let’s Plays as a career come off as super entitled. Especially the “sucks having someone make money revenue off my video” type comments. Without the game in the first place, you wouldn’t be able to make that video. I don’t think the

"Amazing graphics! 83 Open world shooters! The Hulk!"

Hell is a Nintendo that knows how to offer Pokemon as DLC.

Dammit. This just reminded me SE is not making Valkyrie Profile 3. Dammit SE...

I think "Emmy's Story" is just the name of the trailer. It's not part of the game's title.

Man, can't imagine why DLC for a game that was purposely neutered on the Wii U didn't have a large demand?

What he meant was "Let me be clear: King does not usually clones games. We make extremely derivative games and we're usually much more careful to not make them complete clones. We are sorry we got caught."

Hey, Patricia! It seems like this chap is brimming with Enthusiasm!

Now playing

It is mandatory that I post this. If you haven't seen it before, then I can almost guarantee that you'll thank me later for sharing this.

Well, now we all look pretty silly.
takes a breath

We can all go home now.

Oh God. The Wii U is just fine. Let me guess, you don't have one?