
Aren’t these drills just called “Shoot” drills now? If someone even makes eye contact with an officer, they are justified in thinking they might die, and lethal force is legal. So...pretty much: squeeze the trigger at anything that moves.

Also he needs to control the beard and make it less of a neckbeard.

You might say Ready wasn’t...

Dress codes are often how small-minded, cubicle despots get their jollies. They love hierarchy and the games it allows them to play. Later, they go home and someone shoves a cattleprod up their ass or makes them wear a maid’s outfit with their dick hanging out. These two activities are closely connected.

Sounds like he needs to be disbarred and possibly institutionalized for his own safety.

It’s probably the “sorry I got caught” type of remorse.

That spoke directly to my soul.


Next - a loaf of bread that's just a bag of grain.

I'm waiting for 69 grain. With grains you ain't never even heard of.

I’ll vote with my labia if it means wrapping it around that hot lever

I object to this man being called a “beefcake”. He’s super skinny and scrawny. You’re being misled by the beard (which I admit I find attractive and don’t even feel bad about that fact).

Because it's a cat, duh! :D

There should be a law allowing those of us with stomach issues the right to speed to the nearest bathroom available.

PDP is nothing more than an idiot sellout who discovered he could screech “rape” over amnesia 10,000 times and preteens would eat it up. Then blaming SJWs for not “getting it” and basically refusing to apologize at all. During a monetized “apology video”.

“So it’s Pewdiepies fault that this game is shit?”

When one of the biggest youtube stars is calling your game shit, when it clearly isn’t, you’ve all the right to whine about it. Obviously if he’s that popular people are going to take his word for it and state the game is shit without even playing it. It’s down to PewDiePie to grow up and act like an adult. Not rip on

I may not agree with your lack of opinion, but I'll defend to the death your right to possibly not have one.

Well, that is quite literally the least they could have done, but at least they did that much. This hyperaggressive pencildicked shithead getting fired was the most obviously necessary part of this entire trainwreck. It should have been automatic, part of the opening press release.

book deal?