
yeah, same numbskulls.

it’s weird.

i thought they wanted ethics in games journalism.

You know... I hate leaks. I hate datamining a game as soon and fast as possible. I hate people ferreting out every single info against the developers wishes. Lots of fun things get lost because of it (I’m thinking of the first Binding of Isaac ARG for example).

HOWEVER this extreme secretiveness needs to end. It’s about ethics in games journalism?

Because I was good at a sport, my opinion on social issues should be given a platform from which to speak.

Knee’s aren’t meant to do this

“I know enough about lawsuits to say how deeply it affected me personally.”

I don’t get why everyone treats a person who died like they’re Gandhi. This driver could have taken out a family while out doing this, but it’s not ok to call them irresponsible because they’re dead now ? It just doesn’t make sense.

So the 21-year old with a 5-year old was being irresponsible? Get out of town.

The fuck is this mess?

So, the score so far:

“hurrr durrr i luv babbys”

Who said anything about collecting them? He just LIKES them.

That mouth truly is the stuff of nightmares

Kanye is a dick head. Number 1, his whole “ACT” is to always walk around pissed off and mopey. Well, busted as he clearly puts on his “unhappy” face once he sees he is on camera.

They're probably tacking on some invented punitive damages & emotional distress, because the great sport of football has now been sullied.... What a fucking CROCK.

If the drone had been made to resemble a dog, the cops would've just shot it out of the sky and then claimed that the sky-dog lunged at them and they feared for their whirlybird-lovin' lives.

Progress, (> Latin pro "forward," gressus "step") "An arbitrary amount of time passed for one's chest-thumping and sanctimony to subside, in which time an archaic organization's ad hoc application of punishment can run its meaningless course, thus upholding that archaic institution's semblance of moral authority." See