Lol ok.
I think the only one looking foolish is you. Hence, your silence. :)
Lol ok.
I think the only one looking foolish is you. Hence, your silence. :)
And yet, here you are
Ugh. Can we please be done with MGS. Like it’s been what.. 6 straight fucking months of that topic in Awkward Zombie? I love the art and the creator is great, but when will we move on from MGS to any of the other games released since this started.
I was looking for the joke in Penny Arcade and couldn’t find it. It must be obstructed by GABE’S FUCKING HAIR.
Matt Walsh also believes that it’s ok to keep loaded guns around kids, when he himself has no idea how to use those guns and never took any courses. So to pretend like he’s special for not trusting his cuck face around other women is hilarious.
Wow, I will never get over how terrible the new Penny Arcade style is. I don’t even mind the jokes n stuff, it’s that freaking hair and the always-purple noses. Why is Gabe’s hair an ENORMOUS half-circle hanging out 2 feet above his head? Like what the fuck even.
Could you repost the examples you gave of the white people killing blacks, Jews or gays?
One can only hope.
Also what the actual fuck is up with the black-haired dude’s hair? Like, seriously? Does he just mspaint giant semi-circles onto his head?
Is there a way to report this dude to get disbarred? It seems like this is willfully misusing his license.
I understand. I guess I owe you an apology then.
Though, we could all be happy if they were to have consequences for that speech, while still being free to speak it, I suppose.
Get rid of could also mean “Use a loophole to revoke non-profit status whereby they’re sued out of existence.” It doesn’t have to mean physical violence.
Man, Fuck MJ. Just because he was talented doesn’t give him a free pass for this stuff. Dude has some major issues, and it’s a shame what happened and what happened to his kids as a result, but this guy needed help many years before his death.
You accuse everyone of lying when they tell you something you don’t want to hear.
Stop being a woman-hating little twat, and you won’t get told so much. Sad for you man. Sad for you.
Anyone whose arguments are “No, you are.” isn’t really worth communicating with.
Yeah yeah, you hate Gawker, still spend all day here, and you hate women but love their orifices. Super hot takes by a tough internet keyboard warrior.
It’s about ethics blah blah blah.
Pitbull is a rolling dumpster fire and should NEVER EVER be allowed to make another song. His spanish is terrible, his bragging is ridiculous and he’s a flabby, smirking moron that rhymes Kodak with Kodak. Let’s look at any of the thousands of other talented people who make great music without doing a loud shrill…
Harambe wasn’t from Cincinnati. He’s from Africa. JFC I can’t even. :3
1) They did already. Yesterday. Stop spamming and go look at it. JFC.