“A lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.”
“A lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.”
What kind of bullshit “obituary” doesn’t even bother segueing between his early years and television fame with “But wait, there’s more!”?
He didn't die. He just pointed and disappeared.
When you put Ghostbusters (2016) on a list of reboots allowed to exist, you lose all credibility.
“Kevin Smith has been talking about making Clerks III for a very long time now, to the point where we had lost hope for it ever getting made.”
what are literally all the lyrics in “Born In The U.S.A.” other than the chorus?
I miss Disqus, if I'm being perfectly honest.
Literally the entire episode’s thesis?
If you don’t like my tone or my language you can fuck off and talk to someone else, what you’re not going to do is come here and police my motherfucking tone while some asshole troll dismisses police criminality.
Are you fucking stupid or do you just enjoy the flavor of cheap leather?
You’re totally wrong there, but that’s ok.
Another inhabitant of God's greene Earth.
Holy shit, you guys have terrible taste in music.
“Friday” wasn’t even close to the worst Patrice Wilson/ARK track, which was definitely “Chinese Food” by Alison Gold.
First, it’s the internet.
A few things:
And if they don’t they’re only creating risk for each other.
I have and always will love the original Street Fighter movie. It contrasts incredibly well with the amazing Street Fighter II anime movie lol. [Insert how it started, how it's going meme].
Anyone care to defend Rocky V with me? I think it is a failed film, but admirable in that it is a return to what made the first film great. Rocky is a movie based in gritty realism, yet the franchise had slipped into 80's excess. Also- the late Tommy Morrison was an interesting character in real life, and even though…