
Not all of them by a long shot. Just the ones who he couldn’t threaten into silence. I’m sure Cosby’s actual number of victims is probably in the 100’s. He’s likely been doing this since he was a teenager. He’s 78, that’s 60+ years of victimizing.

Even if he gets cleared of all charges, he’s finished. Boooos will follow him wherever he goes.

I love the open chair at the end of the line. It’s silently implying so many things. Because you KNOW there are more out there. And more women that will be raped by others. It's almost an open invitation to other victims to feel like they could step up and join those women who were able to come forward.

I have busted an errant kid in the chops with my camera bag more than once for the exact same reason. I have no kids and I don’t interact with them. If you are going to let your tiny, 60 pound small person dash in-front of the briskly moving, 6+ foot tall, 250 pound man, well. . . . physics wins.

I’m the Absolute Fucking Worst, so I would make direct eye contact with the parents and join in on the shrieking contest (I’m a 26-year-old fat woman with much lung power).

I should say here: don’t do this. But if you do do this, do like Buchanan did and plan your escape route. And if you do that, and get away scot-free, don’t talk to the local news and give your name.

Now playing

Really good, but still doesn’t beat the Astros fan a few years back.

Ahhh, so THAT’S how they faked the moon landings!

Now playing

Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy always had the moral high ground.

...but this is the whole point of Nascar, right? How can people be surprised when this shit happens? And if you go to see Nascar, isn’t it fair if you get caught up in the chaos your money is helping to fund?

I wouldn’t let that stock photo girl leave either. She’s HOT HOT HOT!


So a woman bravely opposing oppression taking down a symbol of hate, does not move you to tears, but her quoting parts of a book that was once used excuse slavery does?

Ah, sweet, sweet schadenfreude.

Too bad. My friends already got theirs in Austin at 11 am this morning.

Jill Biden tweeted that Joe Biden is running around the office with a gay pride flag worn as a cape. I so want pictures of that

To be fair, it's about fucking time.

They are both effortlessly cool......that is where the confusion comes from.