
“Spoilers, darling!”

This woman is not fit to lick Professor Song’s boots.

I hate to sully Dr. Who, but River Song is that you?

Yeah, they haven’t made a single good game since Qbert

Kenshiro sheds manly tears for a true badass. . .

Agreed. His performance as Dracula was always impeccable and above reproach, even when Hammer’s scripts were. . . . lacking.

Truly the last great horror actor. Hammer’s films wouldn’t have been anywhere near as memorable without him :(

Dear Death,

Veteran actor Sir Christopher Lee, star of The Lord of the Rings films, The Wicker Man, The Man with the Golden Gun and the Star Wars prequels, has passed away at the age of 93.

Imagine that - it managed to be better than Man of Fail with just six minutes. Well done.

I’ve commented before that I just got back into wrasslin’ after a 12-year break. After watching ROH, NXT, LU, NJPW, and PWG, it’s hard to watch Raw (I don’t bother with Smackdown). The bad, scripted promos, the repetitive matches, the slow tempo of the WWE-style, it’s more tedious sitting through Vince’s

Is it sad that I’m more looking forward to this rather than Batman Vs Superman?

Agreed. 6 minutes and it feels like it earned showing that moment in a way 2+ hours in MoS didn’t.

* SPOILER * if you haven’t watched the segment yet.

I’ve never heard that theory before, but now it’s totally in my headcanon

Daaaaaaamn, that was good.

I love how the second girl looks like she’s about to throw down and the catcher is obviously ready for action.

And the “unwritten rules” would specify beaning the catcher’s team’s best player the next four times these two teams play each other.

It always worked out that way. Asshole throws a punch, no one is looking. Self defense punch is seen by everyone.