
I don’t understand what is going on here ... is the truck trying to run them off the road then the classy lady is saying “don’t come by my house” ? can’t really tell, I’m not sure we’re speaking the same language.

One guy we had in particular would ALWAYS find something wrong with his food. He would order everything as take out, and then once he got the food home would call and complain that something wasn’t right or something was missing.

“You cant destroy it? Weak!”

Notes of Observation:

Now playing

Meanwhile my generation is all like this...

Wow, even I wasn’t this bad at Contra when I first played it. Are kids today really that dependent on frequent save points, regenerating health and unlimited continues?

You say “absurd difficulty”, I say “doesn’t coddle the weak”.

The Boof Fallowing, brother of the Doof Warrior.

With respect, you could have your eyes glued to home plate, but if you think you could dodge a bat flying at you at that speed, you are fucking kidding yourself.

How are you planning to celebrate?

Don’t sleep on the announcer’s “¡Gracias, Messi, por existir!”

“Phew, finally!”

Oh fuck keep it away from me! That’s not food, that’s some goddamn Giger shit!

Feels like America just won the World Cup.

To sum up just how batshit crazy (and awesome) Mad Max was, all I had to do was describe the Road Rocker: “a 50 foot tall amplifier with wheels that can travel 200 miles an hour, covered in Taiko Drummers and sporting an electric guitar that also doubles as a flame thrower.”

Please feature the Doof Wagon..please feature the Doof Wagon..please feature the Doof Wagon..

Bah, there were lots of predictions about movie industry collapses as well. Empty words.

Throw in some old Carson and I would pay 50 a month for the service.

I hadn't really put a whole lot of thought into it. In my mind, it went something like "roll patty into a ball, smoosh between palms, place on grill." Didn't seem like much work.