
Dont forget to clean the vomit bowl!

I am firmly in the John Waters mindset, where he said that there is no such thing as a bad movie, just a boring one. Tron might not be the best film ever put to celluloid, but it sure as hell isn’t boring.

I saw it in the theater too (well, the Drive In), so we can be elderly brothers in arms!

I found the film itself kind of a big “meh”... but holy crap, that ending!

Yeah in Somalia if you have a boat it’s much more lucrative to be a pirate than fisherman. Risky, but what the fuck.

I have an unending love for Tron and it absolutely belongs on the list of 50 best Disney movies for sure, but higher than about 45 is insanity.

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No love for The Black Hole? Get the fuck outta here!

But that doesn’t make it predominantly a horror movie, any more than any script with a few humorous moments in it is rendered a comedy.

While I cant speak to his career outside of the show, he crushed it in Rebels as Kanan.

Because some of us still believe in the whole “Innocent until proven guilty” thing?

Well, he was 50% right.

I keep waiting for this to be some kind of MASSIVE performance, and some day Nick Adams pulls off his mask and it’s Andy Kaufman.

Youtube is the fucking worst. The second that the platform burns to the ground, I will cry for joy.

Exactly! I have a movie review show where we looked at all of the Video Nasties (the infamous list of banned and censored horror movies in the UK from the 80's) where we examine censorship and the cultural impact of Invasion of the Blood Farmers or Rabid. Give our subject matter, and that we give no fucks about

Aside from Blondie, I have no idea who the hell any of these people are.

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Wait, wait, wait - Tom Cruse gets several entries and Jackie Chan gets one? Unless that Jackie Chan entry was “Every movie he ever did”, that’s bullshit!

Okay, question time for those who have seen part 2: why do the Earthlings keep insist on going down to the planet to get their asses kicked instead of lining up a couple of KT event sized asteroids, nuking the planet from orbit, then collecting the MacGuffin Rocks after the glassed surface has cooled? Is it ever

She calls him “Prince Chauncy McSleezoid” and uses a bunch of other phrases like “palace ditz” and “sicko fantasy”

Why the hell is this ranked so high? The actual choreography is amateur  and embarrassing at best, full of contunity errors - and not in a “well, in issue 147 of The Old Republic, a lightsaber once did X” way, but in a “that dude was over there with the blade in his left hand and now he’s on the other side of Ray with