
Here’s the instructions if you want to blow up the Death Star at the stroke of midnight:

Collin Baker, before he landed the role of Doctor Six, was accosted on the street ALL the time for being the heavy on the soap opera he was in.

I *JUST* finished up the entire series last weekend, with the Judgement 2 DLC. All the way from Zero up to Judgment, my first time playing. And I can blame Fist of the Northstar for that - I love the anime, heard good notices about the game, played through and went “This is great!”. And that’s when the started

Counterpoint: fuck you.

Dude, seriously - I can think of several places off the top of my head that would have had you send the whole lot in one go. Hell, someone on AtariAge.com would have taken it off your hands for sure.

And it was at this point I realized that I was perfectly okay with never watching another episode of this ever again. 

I’d hate to see Johnny come back to the series. Not because of “Oh, he’s damaged goods” or whatever. I just don’t want to see another episode “The Completely Wacky Adventures of Captain Jack (and some other pirates)“.

I love that it has that check tweed that Four and Seven also sported. It’s a very Doctor outfit.

Wasn’t he the one who became a superhero because his uncle was murdered in an alley or something?

The “Naw, bro - you should have let those kids die” was where I tapped out of the series. Seriously, fuck any director that brings a total misunderstanding of the characters like that to the table.

“focusing on an earlier part of Superman’s life”

I think what happened is I think the movie could have survived having Linda in it, I think it could have survived having Arnold in it, but when you put Linda and Arnold in it and then, you know, she’s 60-something, he’s 70-something, all of a sudden it wasn’t your Terminator movie, it wasn’t even your dad’s Terminato

It’s a pity to see her come back for Star Wars. We can all pretty much agree that Wonder Woman 2 was garbage and one could make a very strong case that the only reason that the first one was well received was because it was a shining gem of an island in the middle of an ocean of corn filled diarrhea.

If we’re not

That’s nice. Still aint gonna see it.

The closest I might be able to come up with is Jaws 2, but while it never comes close to touching the original, 2 still manages to be a dumb, fun Giant Monster Eats Kids slasher movie with splashes of quality (Scheider, Hamilton and Gary, plus Williams’ score mostly). I cant imagine anyone watching WW2 and thinking

And I’m glad that Disney showed her the door by shelving X-Wing. Wonder Woman 2 was really atrocious.

I’ll probably catch it on streaming someday maybe. Where I don’t have to deal with the 3D giving me a migraine for the rest of the day and where I can stop at the 1.5 hour mark for the evening.

Has there ever been an early reaction that has actually reflected the quality of the product - I’m looking at you Ghostbusters ‘16 and Star Wars 9.

I hope not. I think the first one was as well received as it was because it was (up to that point) a shining jewel in a vast sea of corn filled liquid poop. Taken on it’s own? It was mediocre. The second one was just downright awful with a terrible script (and that’s before we get to the rape part) with a wooden lead.