
“what’s going to happen now that this guy is dead?” and “what does this mean for Kylo going forward?”

Okay, I have an elevator pitch. What if you do it Indy’s early days. Maybe, call it Young Indiana Jones?

Fuck you, Himem.sys. I shall curse your name from beyond the grave!

I picked it up for Halloween and have been sticking around for the (shockingly good) new Quantum Leap. But once the one month expires, I’m out. I dont need streaming for ONE show that I kind of enjoy.

I find it kind of odd that streamers (and cable, for that matter) seem to want a lot of content, but have no desire to create any of it.

They do a US simulcast of Eurovision. That’s the only thing on the platform that catches my eye.

So what, Pam Voorhees silently judging Teenagers having sex for 12 episodes?

I got a very strong Metropolis vibe from this week’s episode too.

Eh, if we’re being fair? Iron Man was a B-tier superhero that nobody gave a shit about before 2005 and Guardians was a C-Tier team (and that’s being EXTREMLY generous) that nobody had ever heard of until 2010. It just takes the right movie, a good movie to light the fire.

Yeah, I was about to say “So, you want to kill Superman. Doesn’t that mean you’re a bad guy?”

Now playing

Yeah, you namechecked Enter the Dragon (why not Game of Death?), but how could you not mention the entire cottage industry based around Bruceploitation?

Which is a damn shame. Rocky in the mentor Mickey role was perfect.

Yes, this is what the world needs right now: more gritty grimdark Superman.

I think you are talking about the John Carpenter who loves smoking weed, playing X-Box, and cashing checks sent to him so other people can use his IP.

The further you get away from the first three, the more shit the franchise becomes until you hit the nadir of “Trika treat, mutahfuckah!” - so as long as it was better than Part VI, I’d be okay with it.

For the majority of the movie, the script seemed to be that Cory had died when being thrown over the bridge (and this was his last few seconds of life, his revenge playing out in his head) or that The Shape was a figment of his imitation all along (which is why Myers spared him in instances where he would have killed

There’s the one line out of the Day the Earth Stood Still (the Michael Rennie version, not the Keanu Reeves version) where the Doctor overseeing examining Klaatu is talking with another person on the case, and he’ says

Number 7 on the list of ways of being an ass? Slideshows.

Kinja fucked something up? Say it isn’t so! Where is my fainting couch?

Now playing

Sadly not nearly as racy or edgy as the name implies. . .