Thank god I’m not the only one.
Thank god I’m not the only one.
The original Tardis console was lime green, if I recall correctly, just to get it to read as white during the B&W era.
That’s my prime critique for Rob Zombie and his work. Sometimes he’s brilliant (1K Corpses) and sometimes he’s . . . not (Zombieween II). The Munsters kind falls into the middle for me. It wasn’t terrible, but I wasn’t compelled to go past the half hour mark either. By that point, I had a pretty good sense what the…
I’ve grown up watching Space: 1999 and I’ve seen City of Death a hundred times. How the hell did I not make the Maya-Countess connection? I am shame.
Well, shit. I guess it’s a goose egg all around then!
I wouldn’t say that Donner’s version of Superman II is a gamechanger for Director’s Cuts, but it is night and day from the goofy as fuck Lester version. It only really falls down at the ending, where they went “We’ll figure something out when we get there”, got fired, and only had the rough cut Time Reversal idea from…
I’m on board with him. Late stage John Williams is nothing like his early days. Even the last three Star Wars movies, outside of Rey’s theme, are pretty bland and generic.
Sylvester McCoy is in this thing? Most excellent!
I cannot see Avatar 2 unfolding any other way. Every time in human history, a technologically superior force met indigenous peoples with a resource they want, it’s all Manifest Destiny time and “Lets give them blankets covered with small pox!” just before they take their shit.
Hey man, it was the nineties! I was young!
Wasnt the crippled male lead named Sam or something?
The “It’s not a name, it’s a code word” theory has always baffled me since it doesn’t line up with what we see in the movies. Why would Connery’s Bond go on a roaring rampage of revenge against Specter in Diamonds Are Forever when it was Lazenby’s wife that was killed? Why would Moore’s Bond be visiting her grave in…
It is always impressive when writers can turn what should be a purely commercial property into something better.
but I believe there was the Corporate Sector Alliance (CSA)
I’m not here to defend the Book of Boba Friend (my new favoritest title for the show. If that was a typo or autocorrect error, then it was a gift from the gods), but to put it on the same level as E9? Yikes! That’s a step too far for me.
Wait - Taco Bell has meat products?
Mine are all long since gone. I would murder two world leaders of The Burger King’s choosing to get those glasses back in rotation.
Honestly, just watch the first episode of Kenobi and the last episode, and you’re covered. That or go seek out the fan edit that condenses the show back to the movie it should have been originally, about 2 hours in length.
I remember a lot of people complaining about the underbaked and underdeveloped characters of R1, thinking “Have you guys never seen Where Eagles Dare, The Guns of Navarone or The Dirty Dozen? This was exactly the same depth of plotting and character development that those movies did too”