Well, he does have the most Metal as Fuck job in town. Wouldn’t you?
Well, he does have the most Metal as Fuck job in town. Wouldn’t you?
Okay, so R1 came out in 2016, so Diego Luna was 36. Assuming those Kenari sequences take place when Andor was 15-ish, that puts them roughly 21 years “ago”. The series said that this was 5 years BBY, putting this smack in the middle (ish) of the Clone Wars.
Dear god, I was getting some serious Arnold J. Rimmer vibes from that dude!
They said the word “shit” in a Star Wars series. I am very conflicted about this.
Naw, I’ve hated the dude since 1977 when his flick beat Star Wars for the best movie Oscar.
I will NOT hear an unkind word spoke about Firefox!
That’s exactly what killed Cannon Studios back in the late eighties. They made tons and tons and TONS of movies for low budgets, relatively speaking. Menahem Golan was famous for saying “I wouldn’t know what to do if someone gave me 10 million dollars. I guess I’d make 10 movies!”
After Episode 7: I’m Going To Reset Everything, Episode 8: Hah! I’m Going To Subvert Your Reset and Episode 9: Oh Yeah? Well I’m Going to Reset Your Subversion! why would you expect a coherent strategy from Disney?
I cant say that I’m sad about this. Wonder Woman 2 was pretty awful, and I think the only reason the first one was so well received was it was a brilliant gem floating in a vast sea of DC Superhero diarrhea.
“Matt Smith has been working hard to establish himself as the top choice for any production that requires an actor to really inhabit the part of “incestuous royal jerk.”
Thank goodness this sour bitch never got one dime of my money. She can fuck right off.
How can you raise prices on something not actually on store shelves that people can buy?
The bungled themes in the new three piss me off SO much. Finn and Rey could have played off each other (a desert orphan having no connection to humanity due to her isolation and a kidnapped child learning to reconnect to humanity) while Rey and Kylo (someone who has nothing and comes from nothing vs someone who had it…
I thought she was far and away the worst actress in the show (by a very, very, very wide margin), but I hated the way the “fans” treated her. Criticize the art, not the artist, you racist fucks.
That’s a damn shame. I really loved the offbeat quirkyness of the Saints and their general pisstake of the genre.
This just in: The guy who played Han Solo also made more than the person who played . . .um, Nina in The Wanderers.
Agreed 100%, with the added point that it’s extremely unlikely he was that kind of producer - odds are he held that title just so he could script-doctor/offer some creative input here and there.
why does no one think there’s anything on Hulu?
I only watched it because I still had a couple of days left to go on the subscription. I pulled the plug on the sub because I watched The Orville, the season wrapped up and goddamned, there is NOTHING on hulu whatsoever to compel me to stick around.
With everything that’s happened in the last 5 years, I struggle to remember what happened in the last 5 hours sometimes.