According to my 10 seconds of google searching, you would be correct!
According to my 10 seconds of google searching, you would be correct!
I care about Serious’ boner. I care about ALL mankind’s boners!
Who is a drunk getting drunker at home endangering actually?
I would be wildly disinterested in THC infused meat. When I pop a consumable, I’m not eating that food for pleasure - it’s just a vehicle for the dope.
The meat is mixed with corn starch, soy sauce, and sesame oil until the cornstarch is dissolved, then seasoned with cumin, cinnamon, fennel seed, nutmeg, and cloves. Next, the beef is seared and cooked up with ginger, white onion, and green onion. The end result gets scooped into those homemade buns.
Honestly this isn’t surprising given the direction they want to take TBS (live sports, pro wrestling, and reruns).
So, no mention of EVERY SINGLE* MACROSS series finally getting released in the West?
Also, when you extensively rewrite and reshoot your movie, it’s on you. I don’t feel like it’s fair to say it bombed when they basically made two movies and only showed one.
I believe the word you’re looking for concerning The Last Jedi is “divisive”, not decisive.
And THAT’S the frustrating thing. A younger Han movie could have been - well, I wont be so bold as to say great, but at least a whole lot of fun. All they had to do is cut the Brian Daley estate a check and adapt the hell out of his three books (Stars End, Revenge and Lost Legacy). No, not particularly deep books, but…
a disappointing total that director Ron Howard later blamed on online trolls.
While it may look cool - and believe me, that was an epic fight - the problem remains that all the characters have to return to their pre-assigned places after the end of the series to pick up with New Hope.
But is it a Beloved Franchise? The first one is above reproach, of course, but two is tolerated at best, three is pretty derided and while 4 made a ton of cash its not exactly a beloved film and five is firmly in the JPIII camp.
My relationship with Rob is uneven. I liked (at least at a high level) his early flicks, can’t stand the Zombieween movies. But I wont lie - this looks charming and kind of fun, at least from what little we see.
They’re all rather generic, poorly developed and defined, and disposable- and tend to be quickly overshadowed by a Vader appearance.
Hey now, lets be fair here. The Bacta tank was 1980, not ‘77.
Hell, I could have lived with the most stupid plot point the episode brings to the table - the Scoobie Doo “two kids pretend to be an adult in a trenchcoat” nonsense - if they had JUST hung a lampshade. Just a quick exchange like
By “before”, you mean “in the last five years”?
Like now how all the anime fans now know Roundabout as the Jo-Jo song and not, you know, a song by Yes.