Huh. Who knew that for 50 years after mastering English, that I was laboring under the assumption that “Great” meant an item of outstanding quality and “genuine” meant a statment of fact. Neither of which are applicable here.
Huh. Who knew that for 50 years after mastering English, that I was laboring under the assumption that “Great” meant an item of outstanding quality and “genuine” meant a statment of fact. Neither of which are applicable here.
There were a couple of movies that got nailed by the UK police- never on any official list or anything - because the titles sounded pornographic. The movies? Best Little Whorehouse in Texas and The Big Red One.
Allow me to pimp my wares here, Me and some friends have been doing a deep dive into all 72 movies on the Nasty List and are currently working our way through the Section 3 list. Come swing by and take a peek:
Scooby Doo was always something I tolerated at the end of the Saturday Morning block, the last dregs before boring ol’ adult stuff like Golf or Bowling came on, so I have no skin in this race.
You were able to discern that it wont have/do those things from a sixty second teaser? Do you have some lottery numbers to share with us too?
Does it mandate in the contract that their bread tastes and smells like Old Man Socks? Because their bread tastes like shit.
Mongo like candy!
So does that mean that the closing Olympic ceremonies will be a black and white incoherent stream of consciousness? Or will we get the ending where the team captain masterbates onto an unconscious ref?
I’m thrilled to have gotten one mostly because I was thinking of upgrading my blu ray to a 4k player anyway, so this serves two masters.
Huh. Who knew that the only part of my body stronger than Cena’s is my spine.
By the way, if you want a deeper dive into the Video Nasties, me and my friends have been working our way through all three DPP lists:
I would never hold them up as the pinnacle of theatrical arts - but I find that most of The King’s movies are fun. They’re energetic, dumb, goofy, optimistic fun. Elvis isn’t a great actor, but dear god does he have charisma.
They’re making Snake Eyes an Asian Dude. Um. . . what?
After a hard day of traveling - you know, the kind of long, tiring day where you could put two slices of bread on a cinderblock and it would be the best goddamned sandwich you have ever eaten - we had just arrived in LA. My uncle took us as a treat to In and Out.
“at beloved West coast burger chain In-N-Out are very bad.”
I’m in the same boat. I loved the show, backed the last kickstarter, got halfway through my blu ray set and realized “Wow - this just isn’t funny” and tapped out.
Lifeforce comes from a parallel universe where Hammer Studios wound up with the rights to big budget Pertwee era Doctor Who. But with titties.
I wound up watching 9 again last night. Dear lord, that movie is hot garbage, start to finish.
not saying any of that is a great way to write, especially 40 years later, but this concept that Lucas had a grand plan is due to him self-mythologizing from the ‘90s onward
Always so bad? You mean other than Street Fighter: The Movie and Sonic?