
Goddamnit. Mickey was my favorite of that era, too.

We can sit here all day long and debate the pros and cons of 1-3, but the one thing you cant deny is that those movies actually had a story. You know, with a beginning middle and end, character growth, world building, concepts and themes and something to say. How well those concepts and themes were put to film? Well,

Funny, I didn’t see Ed Wood mentioned anywhere in the article.

Now playing

Also? Jim was about 75% of what made Streets of Fire SO FUCKING AWESOME!

Eh, I kind of liked it.

I saw the flick last night while high as balls, and I thought the movie was fun.

Counterpoint - I thought this new Mortal Kombat was fun. Also, I’m not a fan of the franchise, so I have no skin in the fight.

That’s what I was hoping Squadrons would be: TIE Fighter 2.

I was crushingly disappointed with the game. Sadly you really need a keyboard and flightstick to make that sort of game work and I am not a 2-player sort of dude anymore. Gimmie a robust single player campaign because my 50 year old ass ain’t got time to deal

Okay, I must be the weird one. I *LIKED* the minesweeping missions.

I would just want to go from here to, like, a Ralph’s grocery store without having to drive or go back home to Ohio and visit my family without having to fly.

I said previously that I don’t care about Avatar enough to summon up the energy to be pissed at it. That’s not 100% true - I absolutely fucking HATE what it did with movies and 3D. That stuff gives me a migraine for the entire day - cant stand the process.

What is it about Avatar’s existence/success that pisses people off?

Avatar, huh? Is that still a thing?

I always wondered how much Art Bell believed his callers and how much of it was Kafabe.

who either directly or indirectly participated in this display of pornography.

I’ve never actually seen an episode of Seinfeld.

After seeing the list including The Equalizer, Magnum P.I., One Day at a Time and MacGyver, it took me a second for my brain to realize that #23 was not Manimal.

I tried so very, very hard to enjoy the new series, but man it was some serious pain. There was no chemistry to the leads, the jokes weren’t funny and the actual riffs were WAAAAY too dense (and unfunny). I got 3 - maybe 4 - episodes into my blu ray of the first season and had to tap out.

So you’d much rather have “Aliens dressed like Devo kidnap all of earth’s monsters, then release a monster of their own so the earthlings come to rescue the other monsters from their planet”?

Oh God no, I don’t want a 5 hour cut either, but I’d take another 15-20 minutes, just to give it more room to breath and have a little bit more insight into character motivations.