Still the best Fantastic Four movie.
Still the best Fantastic Four movie.
I seem to recall that the contract Legendary had with Toho was for four movies. Given that GvKK is making Kaiju sized box office, I’m willing to bet that the lawyers are cutting Toho a check sometime this week, but for now (assuming that I am correct), the series is over.
While I love Godzilla and thought GvKK was a blast - this whole WB giving into the Snydercut bullshit is the worst thing to happen to Hollywood in decades.
Ummmm. . . . dafuq?
If we’re being fair, there’s not much to spoil in GvKK. “Oh no, Giant Lizard is wrecking shit! Quick, get Giant Monkey to punch Giant Lizard! Now there’s a robot! Monkey and Lizard are now friends. Fin.”
Ah yeah, who doesn’t like a bit of the ol’ in-out, in-out when watching some Bugs Bunny.
User name checks out.
Naw. If your name is not Kubrick or Kurosawa, GTFO with your 4 hour cut.
20 hours of foot fetish and inane pop culture discussion that is as deep as a wading pool? No thanks.
You must realize that they were most likely already doing that to any of her photos...
you do need a few humans to explain who these creatures are and why they’re tussling like drunks outside a bar on St. Patrick’s Day
Oh, there’s still plenty of time for the studio to screw it up.
Technically, the classic movie-mocking cult series Mystery Science Theater 3000 was canceled three times: First when it was dragged down by failing Twin Cities UHF outpost KTMA; when Comedy Central sacrificed the Satellite Of Love to become the network of South Park and The Daily Show; and a third and final time when…
and maybe one of the best episodes of television ever
Yeah, I’m thinking “Lets see, three hour drive to the mountains or ocean, four hours of walking, stopping for dinner somewhere fun. three hour drive back. How hard is this?”
I cannot imagine living in a world where someone would watch Justice League and go “Yeah, I want two more hours of that!”
I remember ages and ages ago, in the early days of Netflix, they had a bunch of low grade schlock and horror - stuff from Full Moon Entertainment and Roger Corman, that kind of “The Thing with Two Heads” content just to flesh out their roster. The second the service started to get traction, they threw Charlie Band…
but I stand by the opinion that Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head are genuinely incredible albums, and Viva la Vida was solid as well.
“How bad could they be?”
Agreeing to disagree is “Which is better? Stones or Beatles?”