
This is a photo of someone getting high on puppies. Soft ears and new-puppy-smell are powerful stimulants. The street name for this stuff is “Squee.”

Yeah, good for you for walking out on his douchebag ass.

Its so that a person can go get an abortion, be told that its reversible, find out its not and then sue the abortion clinic into oblivion for telling them something wrong/not reversing it.

Yeah, I didn’t watch it because it seems kind of mean and I get wicked second-hand embarrassment. Poor thing.

Anybody want to bet there would be an ADA lawsuit?

“stay together, live together, and raise their kids together”

I don’t understand why this couple actually believes that the rest of the world cares about THEIR marriage.

Yeah, I don’t know why anyone thinks Patrick Stewart is in the closet. Like, what possible reason could he have for not coming out if he really was gay? Pretty sure most people already assume he is, and it wouldn’t hurt his career in the slightest.

Can we just believe him when he says he’s straight and appreciate how


That is the look of a dog that has been beaten into submission and has given up any chance of getting away from its abuser.

Sometimes the colors can be REALLY out there. My shade of red was - surprise! hot Barbie magenta supermodel sunburnt-flamingo pink. It looks cartoonish in the tube but, I stg, it looks red when I put it on my face. Actual red, on the other hand, looks bad no matter what. So it might just be that your “red” is actually

Fuck anyone who says “it’s just hair.” I have unruly, thick, curly hair and it took me years to accept it and think of myself as pretty. If my dad had chopped off my hair like this when I was 13, I truly have no fucking idea what I would do. It would be absolutely devastating and earth-shattering. Reading this article

...I will fully admit that I have cried for weeks after getting a bad haircut. Like, sit in my car and SOB about it crying.

“The consequences of getting messed up, man, you lost all that beautiful hair,” a male voice can be heard saying from behind the camera. The video pans to the ground, where long locks of black hair are scattered on the ground. “Was it worth it?”

An ex-coworker cut off her daughters long ponytail once for something ridiculous. It made me sick when she told me.

I can’t believe no one called the authorities before she hurt herself. My psycho mother-in-law was threatening to do something like this to her daughter once, and we were able to shut that down by telling her we would be calling CPS, thank goodness.

Ohhh yeah. Every time I talk to him he's got a new story about some asshole doing him wrong, he doesn't seem to realize that he's the common denominator in all those situations.