
okay I know 'leaving a trail of gold dust wherever I walked' should be a bad thing, but it just makes it sounds 100x more magical.

Unexpectedly glamorous!

Agree, I'm solidly in the "Well what did you think was going to happen?" pile on this one.

leaving a trail of gold dust wherever I walked

Hang on a sec, *looks around*, this appears to be good news.

Seriously, what happened to good old monster/alien targets? THEY'RE THE REAL ENEMY.

Even this would be an improvement.

Julian McPhillips defends sex offenders, including those who have sex with minors and impregnate them. The irony is so intense.

I loved watching this man get progressively more pissed off. She's so delightfully ballsy, even for a Daily Show reporter.

Blergh. I don't do shapewear. I think a nice slip has the same smoothing effect without all the struggling to get it on and the feeling of not quite being able to take a deep enough breath all day.

The fact that these girls don't know that French manicures are now thought tacky makes me question the whole Panhellenic system.

I consider myself a very primped female. I mean, I don't leave the house without makeup, my hair is always straightened and as near perfect as I can make it, I eat healthy, go to the gym daily, never wear tshirts and a whole bunch of other stuff that should only matter to me. That's just me. I don't actually expect

Those sure are a lot of rules just to get the opportunity to pay for some friends.

Great article, but I'm surprised at no mention of the NHK TV drama, "Ama-chan." It ran in 2013 and was one of Japan's top-rated morning dramas ever! It even gave rise to one of 2013's "words of the year," "Jejeje!"

Ahhh I love how you guys are doing more and more historical pieces on women. I've never heard of the ama before, but my god they are badass. If you'll excuse me, I'll be going down the Wikipedia black hole now.

So, being shitfaced is a defense if you are the one doing the raping, but if you were raped and had been drinking its your fault? Drinking as a guy = can't be guilty of rape; drinking as a girl = asking to get raped? Please excuse me while I bash my head against my desk.

So when a woman gets black our drunk it's her fault when she is raped or assaulted because she put herself in a dangerous position, but when a man (more specifically an athlete) gets black out drunk and rapes someone, it's NOT his fault because he had no control over his actions? Got it. Solid logic. Not at all

So if a girl is too drunk to remember being raped, she's guilty of bringing it on herself.... and if a guy is too drunk to remember making the decision to rape, he's innocent? Whooooo, there is some Olympic-class gold-medal blue-plate-special level of fucktardery going on here!

This happened to my sister's ex-boyfriend's sister. His parents were super traditional/very strict/very "old world" and when his sister announced she was going to grad school...out of state...and moving in with her BOYFRIEND...her mother held her down and cut all her hair off. She then threw it in her face and said,

I always feel like the act of cutting off a woman's hair is somehow really super, extra creepy. It's not violent, but it's almost like, "I'm doing this to take away your pride and to subvert the beauty I ultimately think you need taken from you. I would slash your face, but you know, then I'd go to jail and people