
19 years old and still bullying people?


Maybe she likes wearing makeup. I think I'd take pretty big issue with someone telling me what I should or needed to do with my face.

Good luck changing your girlfriend to suit your tastes, bro!

Maybe your girlfriend just likes wearing makeup. Makeup is eating pizza. No one really NEEDS pizza.

I'm still trying to convince my girlfriend she doesn't need to wear makeup....

Remorseful? It wasn't an impulsive act. It was calculated, and she did it repeatedly, over a long period of time. It doesn't leave a lot of room for remorse.

That's why I like men who aren't drab. If we are expected to go through the effort, they should too.

This episode was so uncomfortably on point. I usually enjoy South Park, and this was no exception, but DAMN they got it right.

Now Wendy, stop hating.

How about actual feminist who still falls back into bs like not "seeing" the things in the house that need to be cleaned, as we discussed in the comments section of that unemployed men vs. unemployed women article yesterday? Cuz that's what I have.

Dude, if I was a serial killer, you'd know it. Or rather, it'd be the last thing you knew before you died as your car hit that tree and my voice was coming out of your cellphone, explaining that you're the latest in a series of mysterious accidents/suicides hitting the Congress...

Comparing it to torture? But they don't have any problems with torture.

Having been to Gloversville for work, I'm not surprised that someone wanted/needed the supplemental income that only a grandma's dead body brings in.

This is either a decent romantic comedy* or a terrible slasher flick**.

it sounds like you really weren't 100% committed to sparkle-motion.

The "I'm Literally Too Poor to Buy Food" Diet kept me svelt as hell in my early 20s.

You tell that story as though its meant to be impressive but all I'm seeing are shocking actions here: 1. that a supposedly loving, just God would ask something so horrible of someone to prove their devotion, and 2. that someone would actually attempt to kill their child in the name of God and this is somehow seen as

Do cops not understand how cameras work or they just don't care? Do they realize we are watching now?*