My parents did not teach me to beat people up for crying out loud. They and my judo instructors taught me physical confidence and self-defense. I’ve never struck a person in my life besides a stranger who grabbed me by the throat while I was walking alone, dragged me into the bushes and raped me. There is absolutely…
Aren’t they like Beetlejuice? You say their name 3 times and they appear?
This is how I drink when I can’t stand the douches I’m surrounded by. We feel you, Hill!
Number one reason to stick to pure, clean vodka.
This one time, I was walking home and cops offered me a ride. I took them up on it and lucky for me, that’s all it was. I told my mom and the first thing she says is, “But that’s how they rape women!” It’s sad this behavior isn’t even shocking anymore. Disgusting.
Why am I even alive today as someone who has chosen not to have kids?
Isn’t erectile dysfunction the men’s version of menopause? Shouldn't they drop dead after they need to take a blue pill?
Sandra Merrit’s expression in the top photo is that of the Green Goblin, beaten yet again, by Spider-Man and whose hopelessly damaged Goblin Glider that he’s caught on, spins hopelessly out of control, screaming “YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE LAST OF MEEEE, SPIDER-MANNN!!!” Before the bomb detonates harmlessly high above the…
I am a male, and in all fairness, I have to advise you to suck it up and grow a pair. It’s this kind of perceived victimhood that causes the hostility.
During his confession, O’Kroley told the police “it was easy to kill” Nosal because “she had ruined my life.”
Y’know, I’m coming round to the idea that since these yahoos are going to present themselves as persecuted martyrs no matter what we do, let’s just go ahead and throw ‘em in jail for life. Solitary confinement, bread and water, the whole experience. It’s what they really want, right?
Yabut what about the demons, did they live well?
It sounds fair to me. They need to take care of their rape problem first though.
Not buying it. After observing this, that adult's SOLE responsibility was keeping that kid, and other potential victims, safe.
Women stay home after blizzard: “Well what do you expect? She’s a lady after all, you know how they are, she’d probably end up hysterical on the side of the road..”
I caught myself telling my boyfriend that I was “lucky” to go through 4 years of university without being sexually assaulted.
Why do you think we haven’t had a woman as president yet?” First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton asked her guest over their lunch at the White House in 1995.
No sympathy whatsoever. The first guy that you mention - the hair dresser admits that one option is to go out and have sex with a random girl. Maybe if he treated women as human emotional beings worthy of investing time and energy in getting to know instead of an “option” he wouldn’t be the single guy with a bunch of…