
And Emma Thompson:

My Jr. High BFF’s grandparents were from Kansas City Kansas back in the day, they moved to SoCal after WWII. There was apparently a lot of dancing and dressing up and “clubbing” going on . This kind of dancing, in the Midwest, with their accompanying pictures, stories and musical educations made the Mid - freaking

I think all newsreaders should wear hats and the hats should be fabulous:

Sooo she bruised herself up? Used photoshop?

Jeez, who kicked all of these commenters puppies?

As far as lawsuits go, this one seems pretty legitimate. I’d be pretty upset if my mother’s work was stolen without acknowledgement, especially after her death.

Perhaps I’ve been living in a bubble, but I’ve honestly never heard of these people.

That’s $41 per woman forced into sex slavery, seventy years after the war ended. In 1942 dollars, that would be, what, a few cents? That’s bullshit.

Because banning men from working in your restaurant is going to encourage men to care about equality?

There are sushi places owned by men with 100% male staff at every street corner in Japan. How many of those have you objected to because they don’t promote equality? But if there is ONE restaurant with all female staff, you get all huffy? At this ONE restaurant the staff is all female to prove that women can make

Yep. There’s totally not a long historical trend of crediting women’s accomplishments to whatever dudes are around as an excuse to deny them competency and discredit evidence of equal skill. Male chauvinism has created a debt against women’s labor; you don’t get to act entitled to a clear balance just because you’re

So by Dash’s own logic, she asked for this?

I’ve wanted this my whole life! A tailor to replicate all the amazing clothes worn in Hitchcock movies (especially in Marnie). I thought you had to be insanely wealthy for that... no?

I have 2 of Simplicity’s vintage-inspired coat patterns, and the fabric to make them. I’ve been lazy lately. Really need to get on that. >>

I am getting a new sewing machine for Christmas and my first project will be making this coat, Vogue Sewing Pattern V8687! Those who love this style should grab this pattern and take it to a tailor, adding some collar variation will get you most of these looks.

Double Indemnity is my fucking JAM!

Defamation suits: the way to eliminate justice by intimidating plaintiffs.

Yup and it’s always a pity party of one. That guy isn’t crying over what he did to all those women, that guy is crying that he didn’t get away with it.

Time to celebrate! My rum and Coke will be dedicated to the guilty verdict... Who else is in?