
No objective fear for her safety? Do these dolts KNOW that airplanes are a thing?


As a person currently living in Dallas, can I please go back to New York?

I think he’s taken the imperfect ending with some grace, at least. Well aware that unless you’re going to be an auteur, you’ve got to allow for other visions.

Invests less for a higher percentage. Not hard.

To be fair, that’s their business model. Any salesperson who turned up their nose to a commission on one of those expensive dresses wouldn’t be in the business for long.

We could always team up to bring hats back.

Is mambo soirée culture a thing? Cause I could get into that!

The couple at 1:30 are an odd match. He’s going full throttle, and she barely looks like she knew they week going dancing that night.

If there’s a Joanns nearby, no. They have sales all the time with patterns for 1 to 3 dollars (patterns usually go 8 to 18). That’s basic T Shirts to fabulous evening gowns.

I have 2 of Simplicity’s vintage-inspired coat patterns, and the fabric to make them. I’ve been lazy lately. Really need to get on that. >>

I think it’s a scare tactic. If they settle, then it’s PROOF they were lying! If they drop the cases (this has got to be pretty traumatic, draining at least), then it’s PROOF they’re lying! The only way for it not to be PROOF! is to keep talking, keep slogging away, keep opening themselves to the hateful rape

And she killed it on DWTS. A woman of many talents.

Judge Doom is real!

Pretty sure that first one is from CustomersSuck.com

I showed my mother in law the “You Don’t Need Makeup” music video. She busted a gut.

That never made sense to me. I’d kill to have her muscle definition!

Spend a few more dollars and find a real color match. I usually go ultra cheap, but Revlon has a polish that perfectly matches my tennis outfit. Yes, please!

I think I prefer the awful black and white striped “straight” flag.