
I had an all-women team when my tubes were tied. Female doctor/surgeon, female nurse, female anesthesiologist, female attending physician. Even the reception staff and nurses were female. I only got to choose my OB-GYN, but doubt I would have been nearly so relaxed if it hadn’t been that way.

I did, too. Though that was less fear of addiction and more because they made me vomit and tear open my fresh gum wounds.

See, I don’t like how fuzzy I feel on pain killers. And yet the fuzzy feeling of alcohol I like just fine. *shrug*

How do they start to get addicted to painkillers?

Even Tylenol makes me loopy. The opioids made me itchy.

prescription opioids

I wish I could star this twice for the Wooster gif.

My doctor believed in the Paragaurd so much, she insisted I keep it longer despite my having problems with it.

I’d be interested in a class on cocking a shotgun with one hand.

Ditto! Never did summon a storm or make myself popular or send a hated teacher through a car wash though. :(

I will never outgrow that movie. Wish fulfillment + glorious 80s.

Going to my first baseball game.

I give him an answer when he’s really just looking for an opinion.” I don’t even really know what that means.

I wonder if Michael Moore will come through on his Twitter promise to pay all her legal fees.

The largest study done on the topic shows that trans women commit violent crimes at the same rate as cis men

So like that, but with Velociraptors?

Glad that once my tubes are tied (tomorrow! Yay!), the very concept of spawning will no longer be a factor for me. Anyone asks? Can’t breed! Raspberries to you!

Told Mr. Film the same thing. He complied. Instead we fed each other tiny little pieces.

It was a REALLY good deal.

What’s actually a reasonable price to pay there?