
Camping every year. My sister and I got the torn tent, smelly portapotty, and leaky air mattress while the grandparents stayed in the RV, which had a bedroom plus a convertible table and couch, so room for 2 more beds. They got the satellite and shade. I got to run out of books by day 2.

Inorite? I’ve read it and was quite “Meh”. I SAW it and it was amazing.

Saw it, too. Seats so near the front, I almost got Ian’s spit in my face. It was AWESOME! :D

Just realized I sound like an advertisement, but whatever, it’s Morticia Addams red. And doesn’t make me look like a clown.

I can’t do most reds myself. Or pinks (I generally stick to berry tones). I make an exception for Nars Cruella Velvet Matte Lip Pencil.

I don’t get why people are so sanctimonious over other people’s hair.

Seriously! I got a bad haircut last night which is, fortunately, salvageable, but was inconsolable for hours, and could barely look in a mirror this morning.

When my grandparents’ cat was a kitten, he’d damn near climb my arm to get at ice cream. Only didn’t steal it because he couldn’t balance that and I outweighed him.

I’m trying to find a doctor to tie my tubes so I never HAVE to get an abortion. Rather do the time off once and only once.

My husband and I had a chat about what we’d do if my IUD and BC pills both failed and I ended up pregnant. Fortunately, we’re both white collar jobs and can afford a few days off to travel for an abortion, but I’d rather not get one. If I can find a Doctor to permanently sterilize me, that’s my next move. It’s too

... anyone know where I could get my tubes tied in Texas?

They lighten their skin so they can be treated as well as light skinned people.

My husband has both a vitamin D and B deficiency. He doesn’t wear sunscreen, so supplements are his only solution (his body doesn’t absorb vitamins like it should).

SPF 100, big hats, and the shade of the New York skyline. Now I’m in Dallas where the sun is bigger and tanning is in fashion.

Future FIL had the same thing happen to him once, down to threatening to call the police and getting his keys immediately.

A Mazda dealership tried same thing on me, only online. I asked for a quote for a Mazda3 iSport, they gave me the numbers for an SV. My in laws went down to test drive it (moving states, so I couldn't), and found it was the SV in the UGLIEST color imaginable, also the last SV on the lot.

maybe you should not call me a “good girl” when I do something really well?

Better the bitch than the eye candy.

Now you mention it, neither did mine. *shrug*

She looks to me (never having read the books) like a little girl version of Auntie Mame.