
No lie, I want to be Fancy Nancy when I grow up.

Not too surprising. The trappings of royalty are pretty specific.

He's probably going to elope with Bob.

Jeebs, she's got the muscle tone of a jaguar.

The cute outfits terrify me. So short! My calves are good, but my thighs do not need that kind of display.

I'm signing up for tennis lessons soon (at 29, gourd help me). Williams inspired? Very much yes.

I use whatever I like and can find for under $5 on ebay. I'm moving to Dallas soon, though, so I"ll have access to their 99 cent Simplicity sales. *drool*

Trufax. I sew as a hobby, and am getting not terrible. But it's in NO way a money-saver. Not when I'm still throwing out 2/3 of my projects as lost causes.

That reminds me, I need to go steal all my grandmother's old sewing patterns.

Meh, that's not horror writing. That's gorn.


I wanted to do tap, but my family didn't bother after my older sister got embarrassed and cried at her first lesson. They try to fob it off and say I was the one who cried.

I thank you for your support. It's been nearly 4 years, but lately, seems every leg of every trip has a humming person. I don't mind the beggars and buskers (OMG, this one guy who sounded like a ranting crazy person but was a hilarious stand up! I'd give him all the money if I could find him again), but the jerks in

Mostly it's that people keep HUMMING on the subway.

She will wear that wherever the fuck she wants.

Transplanted in. In process of transplanting out. Can't deal with the locals, tourists, OR transplants.

I love applying lipstick, even though it will be gone after the first glass of water or breakfast bagel. I find something so ritualistic about it. Like the scene in Memoirs of a Geisha when Saiyur's first putting on her geisha makeup, or even the opening scene in To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything. Julie Newmar.

Hm, I have developed a liking for chevron patterns lately. Fun but not TOO crazy.

... yeah, no. None of the black or grey things would make sense in brown, as they're clearly metal, and Rusted is not a look I'm fond of. Anyway, the cabinets are going to be wood, so painting the really nice dark finishes to match grey or brown would just look lousy.