
When the same car with 45k miles is 3/4 of the price, it's not worth buying used.

That's prob what I'd end up doing. I mean, we have a big wooden dresser and desks and coffee table, but the TV and stand are black metal, the bed is gray metal, and the couch is dark green. That's already black AND brown AND grey as major neutrals in the same rooms.

Designers are WAY too expensive.

Seriously! And the car I'm looking at is kinda sporty, but still an economy car. But even considering spending 20 grand on something when the ONLY car I've owned till now was an 87 Volvo that I got after my grandmother died (and never stopped leaking coolant) is so strange.

Don't do what a dear friend of mine did and think only of one room at a time - her home feels really weird walking from one room to the next, every transition is jarring.

Yeah, the only reason I'm considering buying new is that it holds it's value well enough that I'm not sure it's worth a few thousand in savings to buy 45k miles of someone else's problems.

Preach. I can afford proper Mexican food from family-owned restaurants, and it's delicious, but sometimes I gotta have my ghetto Campbell's Cheddar Cheese and Toastido nachos.

Now they have the resources, so they can turn their homes into these upper-middle-class symbols that they've "made it." The problem was they didn't actually know how to do that

I'm actually relieved I can avoid the bachelorette party. My sister won't be in town until the day before the wedding (and I don't want to be hungover or puffy on my wedding day), and the only other people who know me and are able to come are 60+ years old and related to me.

We're just shuttling everyone to the venue from the hotel, then shipping them back when it's done. You know, avoid car rental fees and DUIs.

Hee hee, my fiance gave MAJOR side-eye when I was debating what to do for favors. Still does, in fact, but was mostly appeased when I included his favorite bonbon flavor from the chocolatier (mint).

Can we just NOT with boarding schools? I have never, EVER heard anything positive from anyone who has ever gone to a boarding school. Every single one has been a horror show of abuse, assault, rape, torture, and brainwashing.

Seriously. I've seen threads that go on and on about how you will REGRET IT 4EVAH! if you bypass a wedding veil.

Nah, it just got fashionable after Queen Victoria wore a white lace dress for her wedding. She did it to promote the sale of lace.

If anyone's going to complain, it will be the Gran.

Oooh, boy I hope no one does. Though I have a feeling I'm going to get an earful at the reception for not wearing a veil, not having a religious ceremony, not wearing white shoes, and probably the lack of hard liquor at the afternoon wedding. Maybe I'll get lucky and granny just won't show up.

Thanks for explaining it. I didn't know, so it makes sense now.

Street harassment and misinterpreted friendliness started for me at eleven (which is super weird, because I hit puberty quite late)

It's a bell curve. You're an outlier.

So 2 weeks later...not sure anyone will see this, but OMG THEY ARRIVED!