Like the pe teacher? Who didn't do his job and got paid leave?
Like the pe teacher? Who didn't do his job and got paid leave?
Ahahahaha. You're either having a really shitty day or you're just like the most sanctimoniously judgemental person on the planet.
This is the most ridiculous non-MRA post I have ever read on Jezebel, which is saying a lot.
How hard is it to just not assault people?
The fuck? I hope they catch the fucker.
His cat's name is Babycakes. Babycakes is not to be trifled with.
If women don't like catcalling why don't they just stand up for themselves?
Touche, my friend. Have never in my life read "Go on an all-pussy diet to keep your woman from leaving you," though.
That was probably their smartest move, going to the police directly. You don't want to confront someone like this and force them into a corner. He obviously has no qualms about breaking the law; combine that with having zero respect for anyone's personal space and what's to stop him from resorting to violence? This…
Ooh, just don't let Ryan Murphy near it. He'll have the Phantom singing Sia's "Chandelier."
Incorrect. The strangers that physically stop me/touch me the most are white!
I don't believe that any one has alleged that izzzy is a human being. They might be a talking horse or possibly an alien for all we know. I myself am a mushroom that will give you 5 lives and I would be quite offended if you insinuated that I am human.
I'd love to, but everyone at Gawker keeps telling me that specific phrases (outside of obviously horrible racial slurs) belong to certain types of people.
"My faith won't allow me,"
A French woman I know (and really who could know more about this than a French woman?) said zat all yoooo need is water and sleep.
"It's Sar-DOH."
Claudia and Clarissa were pretty much my fashion idols in the 90s
Don't worry, though, there's no such thing as rape culture, and women should feel totally flattered and not at all threatened when men hit on them.
What a tragic thing to have happened. I hope her family can mourn and find peace.
That's literally exactly why they are tormenting her. They feel entitled to women's bodies, especially attractive women and double especially for celebrities. So when these women don't play by the script (Apologizing like THEY did something wrong when it's the hackers who are the ones who are bad) they want to punish…