
Yeah...I also feel like generally teenage girls don't need to be told to count calories, or go into bars with drunk adult men.

I went to all those hippy classes to and when it came time for my second all that went out the window. My little dude was a flipper, 40 weeks pregnant and he kept flipping, head up, head sideways, head down, head back up. So we had to schedule a c-section because he was sideways, which makes even a breech birth

I did not know this to be a thing, and now I'm just so happy.

Dude, if you need to sit that spread, seek medical attention. Your balls should not resemble grapefruit.

First they came for the racists, And I did not speak out, because I was not a racist; And then they came for the homophobes, And I did not speak out, because I was not a homophobe; And then they came for the misogynists, And I did not speak out, because I was not a misogynist; And then . . . there was no one left to

Exactly. I personally don't mind getting catcalled but I'm not about to tell people who don't like it (i.e. the vast majority of women) that they have thin skins and should get over themselves, or act like it's okay for men to violate strangers' boundaries just because that particular action doesn't violate MY

Is the original a parody? Because I'm pretty sure she just said getting validation from creepy strangers is self-empowering. Um no, that's the literal opposite of self-empowering, as you are in fact getting your "empowerment" from the thoughts and feelings of others.

She has the plants there, he had to creep all the way up to the window to see anything.

That's it. I'm done with the fucking news. I am breaking up with the news right fucking now. It's not me, it's you, news.

Please do not click the link to the article. I felt a morbid curiosity, but several paragraphs down there is a graphic, horrifying description of a child pornography film. I feel punched in the gut. Please, please, please do not satisfy your urge to click it. It is awful. I just want to leave work and hug my son.

I was pretty much on board with the article ('yes, treatment sounds good, these studies sound good, good that this kid doesn't condone sex with children in any way') until i got to the part about the guy who's a pre-school teacher. I don't care what he claims about the age range of his proclivities or how much his

I find it very fucked up that some people are going out of their way to comment on this woman's looks instead of her unfathomably despicable behavior. I mean, really? You think her being fat and ugly is remarkable when she went and adopted innocent children just to make their presumably-already-miserable lives even

All of the following incidents started with a male telling me I was beautiful/pretty/etc*:

Whatever we fear has already happened to most of us, multiple times. There's no "until." We're allowed to learn from our lived experiences and react in the way that seems safest for us, but thanks for your attempt at a benevolent dicktatorship.

The only two reasons I can think of to randomly say something to a stranger in the produce section are:

For the past year my boyfriend has worked at an organization dominated by women (literally there are about a dozen guys and several hundred women). He is constantly being eye-fucked in the hallway or cat-called from a hidden car in the parking lot or asked about ("Ohh, he's hot, is he single because I will be all over

I agree with most of these, but fuck #10 in the eyes. If I'm expected to leave my apartment and deal with general public for a good eight hours out of the day without ending up in jail for assault, I'm gonna do it looking like a goddamned sparkle glitter princess.

Everyone needs to calm down on the hate against people who go bare-legged in the winter. I am not going to be standing outside all day, I will literally travel from indoor location to indoor location. I am originally from a place where it is very hot and I never ever had to wear tights growing up - I literally didn't

Yep! I worked a double yesterday because Rebecca just HAD to have a birthday.