
Please sit down and be quiet, Rand Paul.

Depends on her definition of "fight" maybe? Or, like I imagine many trolls to be, he's a spineless dweeb in real life and releases the anger he has no constructive outlets for on internet people he perceives as weak and identity-less. ...which is more or less what he admitted to her. Ugh.

I'm still confused about the cinched waists and make up backlash. I would understand if they were dressed like Pretty Woman and their make up gun was set to Kardashian/drag queen but they're just female Lego scientists with a bit of make up on and silhouettes that are clearly female without being over the top. What's

So people who view the world like adults are more likely to experience satisfying, long-term adult relationships? Fuckin' studies, man. They'll surprise you every time.

I don't get the mixed message on the cover. Mom and dad are packing heat, sure, so why are they using their daughter as a human shield?

I don't know. If I'm a cop and someone tells me a gang of street urchins and their 3 legged dog did it, I'm all in. No one pulls the street urchins card anymore.

It's not for you to decide what you're supposed to be offended by. That's the job of white liberals in their 20's who studied your culture in college. They are the true authorities on appropriate race relations.

As a minority I little annoyed by white people using "cultural appropriation" as means to play white savior but I am sure you mean well just like Katy Perry.

LOL at never seeing white women with braids. You haven't been on a college campus recently, huh?

You also have to get rid of most Opera.... Madame Butterfly anyone?

Honest question: What would it look like to "pay homage to a culture that you didn't grow up in" in a way that's NOT cultural appropriation? I totally get that Katy Perry and others have done a lot gross stuff, but I do also wonder how/where we draw the line.

around 7 PM and will probably last 4 hours. ...

"We do not hire strippers for the event because some of the guys are older and have wives "

"Include pictures in your email and please make sure you can commit to the 14th of August." I call bullshit, who the fuck has their fantasy draft on a Thursday?

Imagine being told that your feelings aren't valid, your pain isn't legitimate

Birth, a.k.a. "taking a number 3"

Say wot?

Are these dudes really ready to live in a world where women aren't obliged to laugh at their shitty jokes?

Didn't think I'd have the occassion to use this gif so soon after discovering it, but damn Hobby Lobby, if you don't deserve it.