
Yeah, our clawed kitty has mutilated a gorgeous green leather couch. He's an old kitty, so we're just going to let him finish the poor couch off and replace it when he's ashes on the bookshelf.

Guess that makes me a douche, too.

Seriously. I know of no textbook definition of "douchebag" which isn't as vague as "jerk" or "nice".

He's kind of a textbook douche.

I never was clear on what Adam Levine has done that made him so disliked. Input?

I really could, and it makes me sad I gave up hard liquor.

The problem would be getting both in place. My cynical mind can easily see paper abortions legal in all 50 states, while actual abortions remain limited. So best start with the harder one, then split the easier one into place.

If her plan is to RESPONSIBLY terminate the pregnancy due to having no desire to raise a kid, why not? She's already got to deal with the body problems that will occur for a kid she doesn't even want.

If one wants kids and the other doesn't, you separate due to irreconcilable differences.

If he's going to foot all the medical bills, including those from complications due to the pregnancy and birth, provide reimbursement for missed work due to pregnancy, birth, and recovery, maintain sole custody and responsibility of the child, and all of it was written up signed, sealed, delivered, and legally

Last time I saw them was on the R train, and they proceeded to chant "cheap" at everyone in the train for not giving them enough money.

It's more kids breakdancing and doing "stunts" on the poles. Likely part of a larger group, as I've seen the act several times on different trains with different performers, and all had the same opening and closing lines.

So you're actually tired of hearing her bitch and moan about something perfectly within her control. That makes a LOT more sense.

Better question: Why are you trying to convince her AT ALL?

Seeing a lot about what YOU think about what she does. Have you asked for her opinion?

Held to a ridiculous standard by other women for the most part.

I was so bummed when they stopped the Rita and Runt bits! (Budget cuts, so they couldn't afford her salary, and they thought the two not ever finding a home was too depressing).

I screamed like an idiot when I got her autograph after Follies a few years back. Still have that Playbill. It's my treasure.

I did this! Planned for a year, and left a month early, to move from Las Vegas to New York. Via train. (Don't recommend the last bit.)

Well, on the plus side, the birth control pills chilled out the mood swings I had even before Paraguard. And those could get brutal.