He has a bad case of Cementhead. As in Some Things Just Don't Get Through.
He has a bad case of Cementhead. As in Some Things Just Don't Get Through.
Mine calls himself feminist, values women as a group, no problem with housework, reads Bell Hooks, and learned to just shut up and pat my shoulder when I get pissed off from the 5 catcalls I was subjected to that day.
I'm nearing 2 years and still waiting for the magic.
I only started taking birth control AFTER I got Paraguard. Major outlier, I guess, but without them, I bleed or discharge brown goop up to a solid 3 weeks at a time. Had a flash back while on some antibiotics this past month. 3 weeks of blood, goop, and rancid smell. My Gyno doesn't see anything wrong with this.
Well, Mark, you can come to mine but it's wine and beer only.
I got 4. Not even finished with the first month and ALL THE NOPE!
Doxycycline is what my dermatologist gave me for the cystic acne on my chin. 0o Think I'll stash a few pills away in case of mosquito swarm.
I quit my acne antibiotics after less than a month since it was screwing up my BC pills. Do NOT like the Paraguard periods I have without my pills (also, killing my ovaries). Fortunately the cysts went away and hopefully won't be back now that I finished that one class...
Ditto. I started by doing Couch to 5k. Then I got used to tuna and rice for lunch (I can eat the same thing everyday without getting sick of it). Then, since I wasn't able to exercise due to school, switched my morning buttered bagel for a green smoothie and handful of nuts (same calories, more nutrition). And now…
Thank you for doing that so I didn't have to. <3
My kids sell monogrammed thermoses.
I'd start by apologizing to your daughter, admitting you screwed up out of surprise, and listening.
IF the fetus could have survived in a rotting corpse.
Probably because most people think of a dead body at a funeral, forgetting or not realizing that a LOT of professional work goes into getting a corpse ready for an open-casket. Embalming to delay the rot, fixing up any wounds, makeup so they look peaceful. And before that the body is kept in a freezer so it stays…
... oh, yeah, showing kids the made-up rotting cadaver of their mother is SOOOO much better than pulling the plug and letting them say goodbye before decomposition even sets in.
That sounds like a horror film.
Auntie Mame was at ease at parties because neither she nor her guests cared about anything except how much gin was on hand. And if they ran out, call "that adorable bootlegger" for another gallon. NBD. :D
My gym is $35 a month in New York, rarely has anyone at the shake-bar, and is right around the corner from my apartment. Also, the cardio machines are on the 2nd floor overlooking the weight area.
Just as there are cis men child abusers out there.
I hope the adoptive family knows how off-center she is. Wouldn't put it past her to kidnap the girl and skip town. Especially if her son's case goes right (long, LONG jail term).