
I think what made it really hit home for my fiance was when I came home with a takeaway bag from Burger King in an absolute rate. I don't do take away, since it gets cold and soggy. I told him, in a rage, about how a trio of punks creeped on me in a crowded restaurant. The only place to sit was among this group of

The cowards who yell from the sidelines to impress their friends and the maniacs who physically force the issue all look the same. They don't wear signs, they have no distinguishing marks. The "nice guy" making a bad attempt at connection and the psychotic who will stab a person for not responding the way he wants

They'd need to be leather-Daddies and burly bears. Gay men who would be perceived as a physical threat by cis het men.

Stabber wasn't a vagrant, though. He/his friend/accomplice had a sedan.

Just one more reason why I'm not having kids. Me and fiance check up with each other every few months to make sure neither has changed their mind about potential saplings.

I think you need a vacation.

I DO do that occasionally. It's called taking a sick day, even when one is only sick of work and needs an extra break. Penalty: losing a day's pay or a day off to use for something else. Penalty is NOT being dragged into work anyway.

Because it's more common to remove the clitoris rather than the clitoral hood. The hood is more akin to the male foreskin, and also more fiddly, since it's smaller, and the clitoral area contains far more nerve endings than the penis.

That this is an exception. *eyes rolling to another room*

You mean they didn't respect another guy's claim on his property—er, girlfriend?

No, nothing illegal at all. Aside from compiling detailed lists of potential victims via police database, stalking a potential victim, and arranging payment to kidnap and deliver one potential to another cannibal. That's not misuse of resources or conspiracy to commit murder at all.

That's too inappropriate for the 5 train, but this is just dandy:

I was so happy when I found a pair of Easy Spirit loafers with a 1 inch heel, and a 2 inch T-strap pump. I like my heels like I like to limbo: low.

Nah, they were calling expecting the girl on the billboard. I spent 8 hours mostly pretending to be a bleach blonde with double Ds named Misty.

To quote myself:


I would fly back, say "yo" to the family, and buy you a round at that bar!
Might not even be a bar. Might just be a margarita cart.

Lust (prostitution) is technically illegal.

The controlling factors in Vegas are VERY right-wing. Sin is only OK if you can profit off it. Once they realize the bottom line will increase, their morals will mean a whole lot less.

Ok, so I am from Vegas, and this is so stupid. The wedding industry is big, and they are DELIBERATELY turning away elopers? *sigh* 6 of the 7 deadly sins for PURCHASE, but clutch my pearls if two guys or chicks want to do a drive through wedding.