Nope. Socialists don’t want people to be happy. Your point is strong on its own.
Nope. Socialists don’t want people to be happy. Your point is strong on its own.
I’m not even implying that. I’m just saying bluntly that this isn’t some crazy awful language. It’s mildly rude.
I don’t have to imagine this. It’s happened, for sure.
Google Pixel has bedtime mode built in..... just sayin’.
outfitting them with dance areas and lounges for entertainment
Every town with a greek pizza joint in America has a version of this I would bet. We just don’t call it a “Hani.” One I went to a few years ago called it “Fried Chicken Gyro” so.... yeah. Not sure this is actually regional.
It should be a local choice. All of you folks who live in big cities, I get it. For for rest of us who are sitting there at a reallllly long red light with like one other car in an intersection in the middle of nowhere with zero foot traffic.... come ON.
“Ugh, lame. What is going on with you? You’ve outdone yourself”
This kind of article is lazy and stupid. A large language model is just combing through available data and making a series of tokenized bets about the next word / concept it spits out. No crap it’s going to give you dumb answers to dumb questions. It’s like asking the random drunk neighbor at your party what they…
Once Bitten is a national treasure. Please correct the article.
JUST a second. I am Lord Kinbote of the Broogan Star System. WE have dibs on Earth. We put our quarter on this jukebox a long time ago. Granted it wasn’t a quarter but rather a Krinxnox, but it’s still currency. So back off.
There was never a time when you could trust the government to do behave. It was just less bad than now. =)
Don’t forget scenario three: These are basic camera problems that people who understand aircraft optics know to be uninteresting.
Dude. Almost all of this video evidence is more easily explained by camera dynamics than by “giant trans dimensional cover up.” Occam’s razor that crap.
re: Tic-Tacs.
One thing that no one seems to point out: The pilot never saw the thing with his own eyes, right? It was on a tiny 4x4 inch screen in his heads up display. I believe several analysis have been done on that video with almost everyone who knows anything about optics and advanced camera physics concluding…
It’s a song. It’s a song with a sentiment aimed at the people who do this kind of stuff:
Let’s be honest. The chances that this guy knew that the video was filmed at the site of a lynching are pretty low. To the set selector it was probably just a cool looking federalist style building.
Maybe let’s wait for the details. There’s a lot here that may or may not be meaningful. I’m happy to believe in corruption, but I also want to see its actually happening.