
I mean, if you really wanted to justify Shepherd existing in some sense six centuries later, there’s the fact that Shepherd already died once and she was retrofitted with considerable cybernetics to bring her back. Plus, in 2/3 of the viable endings she merges, in a sense, with the God-Computer.

VERY cool, this model has worked really well for the other folks who have tried it.
Literally coincidently, I was pruning Patreon subs this morning. Definitely willing to send some money their way to support them and see how this goes.

So, it should tell you something about the state of the Democratic Party that this man is presently polling ahead of President Biden in key swing states.

Timely news, especially after the exodus from The Escapist the other day.


My favorite line:

If you’re going to show an example of your new vehicle in public, why would you use the most jacked-up prototype you can find? 

I think it’s fair to point out how poorly designed/built the Cybertruck is.

It’s inaccurate but also, the cannibalism stuff, which like you said was just talk, is what gets the most attention including on this website, when he’s credibly accused of having actually done some pretty vile shit, including violent rape and physical abuse.

I started to watch Mirror Mirror for Lily Collins and noticed Armie was in the cast too. I said, well how much screen time are they really going to give the prince anyway? It turned out that they actually gave him a lot of pointless screen time sword fighting with other guys. My husband and I had a blast joking about

He has not faced allegations of cannibalism, he’s faced allegations of talking about it. Those are pretty different things and to treat the two as interchangeable is pretty shit journalism. 

The #1 rule I tried to teach my daughter: Don’t be a dick. I think she’s got it now, but I still remind her sometimes.

I feel like the future of physical media, if it’s going to survive at all, is going to have to be something similar to what you describe here, but updates and patches will need to be installed on the cartridge itself or someday you’re going to find yourself with a broken copy without the day 1 patch needed to make it

I keep saying this when game install annoyances pop up, but I think the next step is back to cartridge. Put a small-ish M.2 or U.3 drive in a shell and make the connectors more robust. Publishers are going to either need to demand this from console makers or demand ISPs actually do their fucking job and improve the

I’m telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Any time I had a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.


The whole thing boils down to “don’t be an asshole” and everyone gets along just fine.

“Don’t light things on fire and throw them in the back of the truck”