
16 minutes? Well damn! That’s an improvement!


Hey, what’s up with not being able to view our profiles or notifications in Kinja? It’s been that way for a day now - I’m still getting this:

I think the whole point of the article is that these are the cars people feel the market overvalues, not what the market trend is. 

New owners?

A whole lot of Canadian imports, lower tier sports and a show about Jesus.

I usually hate superhero movies, but it was surprisingly good! 

I can’t say I’m surprised by this but it’s a shame. This was a good take on Superman and it was nice to see a mature adult hero who wasn’t constantly full of angst. The teenage drama could be annoying but that’s what you get from teenagers in general.

I LOVE that Cummins Gallardo. That’s the kind of engine swap you do just for the silly factor. Find a wrecked Lamborghini on Copart, find a wrecked Cummins truck, then make them kiss. Nobody would expect a Gallardo to sound like a school bus. Bonus points if you add a stack with a flapper on it. Oh, and you need

I had heard the Blue Beetle movie wasn’t very good

This took my brain more than a few seconds to process.

I don’t have a PS5 or an Xbox Series. I do have a PS4 and an Xbox One (and before that a PS3 and an Xbox 360). Xbox was ALWAYS my go-to for non-Nintendo games - my PS was only for exclusives, so by definition my Xbox got more playtime. But in the past few years, I’ve slowed down my gaming, mostly just playing the big

I still don’t have a current generation console, but the Xbox’s superior controller is what kept me an Xbox person from the 360 onward. I simply find offset sticks to be much more comfortable. Same goes for the concave shape on the sticks. 

I’d be fine with some sneaky easter eggs in Max Payne that refer to Alan Wake or the FBC but I wouldn’t want it to go any further than that. If you treat Max Payne’s reality as some sort of dream/false reality, that really undermines all of the characters and events in that reality.

It’s usually the doctors themselves who decide to write it up, with the permission of the patient. Although at least one journal I know will actually ask the patient to provide their own separate perspective, and it’s not unprecedented for the patient to be a co-author too! 

Flume ride. Come on y’all!

Yeah... it should be ‘diarrhea roller coaster’.... 

restarting the diarrhea carousel all over again”

Team Dog told you so.