Boy you’ve really got to love this new layout pushing auto-playing video that just continues at the top of the page with no sound to make sure to pump up those video views.
Boy you’ve really got to love this new layout pushing auto-playing video that just continues at the top of the page with no sound to make sure to pump up those video views.
Paul Rudd gets the one free pass from age appropriateness issues. Source: My 20-year-old niece, who finds him hot.
Danger island was great. You missed parrot Kreiger = Crackers.
Look, we’re mostly watching for the characters. The Noir was a bit of a drag, but Danger Island and 1999 were fantastic from that standpoint, with ups and downs on the plot.
Things might be a little problematic for Lana.
a whole lot of very pretty animated glitter and a bunch of frequently funny dick jokes
For me, as fun as the episode was, the waking up is what matters most to me. As it is Mallory being the one there says a lot about how much the world may have changed in the interim as so much if her character has revolved around what a dangerously neglectful mother she was to him his entire life. What intrigues me…
Back before the coma, I remember being pleasantly surprised that Archer seemed to be keeping some track of its relative dates, with stuff like Cyril meeting Trinette and Seamus’s birth happening about a season apart, and stray mentions of how much time had passed since earlier episodes. I feel like there was a bit…
I’m sort of surprised that they went with Archer being in the coma for 3 years but I like it. Now I’m pretty intrigued to see just how much has changed. Plus, Archer’s daughter will be 3 to 4 years old now so there’s some good potential for some of her lines now that she can talk.
(Hence, presumably, the title of the episode.)
“For a second there I thought maybe the booze had caught up with me.”
Makes me hope that someday Steve McQueen (the director) or Jordan Peele will make an alt-history action flick about renegade black activists reading a first-draft screenplay of Pulp Fiction, counting up the number of N-words dropped and then assassinating the neophyte Tarantino by dropping ten anvils on his head. For…
You’ve pretty much summed up everything that bothers me about all of QT’s historical revisionist movies. To me, it just feels like a cheap, juvenile way to “feel good” about really awful historical events. Maybe I’m just overly picky because I was a history major in college, but it rubs me the wrong way.
Really?? Quentin Tarantino acting like the murders never happened is the cherry-on-top fuck you to Charles Manson?? First of all, it’s just something Quentin Tarantino made up one day in his office. Second of all, Charles Manson is dead. Third of all, Sharon Tate and her friends remain brutally slaughtered. The whole…
Here me out: the Barbie movie as a ‘Catch Me If You Can’ style caper, where Barbie impersonates various high-flying professionals (a doctor, a CEO, a pilot) in order to support her lavish lifestyle of beach houses and sports cars. Will Special Agent Ken Dahl bring her to justice, or will he fall for her incredible…
Oh sure, there are bound to be purges. I’d say the revolution was doing something wrong if I at least wasn’t sent to a labor camp for 5-10 years.
Glover is a genius but my favorite thing he’s ever done is his freak out in the bathroom after meeting LeVar Burton. “YOU CAN’T DISAPPOINT A PICTURE!!”
Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like that guy manages to simultaneously resemble both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Robert Patrick. Great casting choice for a pseudo-Terminator.
Pulling a gun on the high assholes who ate your food isn’t that bad.
Lots of planets have a South