The best part of David Tennant’s being drooled over on the net is the reaction of his wife, Georgia Moffett. She often replies to posts about him, agreeing that he is a tasty piece.
The best part of David Tennant’s being drooled over on the net is the reaction of his wife, Georgia Moffett. She often replies to posts about him, agreeing that he is a tasty piece.
If you don’t want your children to learn about the tragedies of life and death from their pets than get a tortoise. You just need to be sure that your children and grandchildren are goung to be responsible enough.
The mneumonic earworm is an East Asian plague.
I was watching a documentary on Bob Marley once and realised he was spending a lot of time with a family with small children in London at the right time when the Banana Splits were on Saturday morning television. And spending his time stoned out of his brains, of course.
Maybe she is fine with taking a few months off to watch her people shovelling money into her bank account? Maybe she is not as driven by demons as most Hollywood stars?
All things pass.
I wanted Jessica to return to the anger-management group and apologise for brutalising and bullying them with her powers, then admit that she needs their help. It would have been nice if she had come to the same realisation as Trish, that her bad decisions had caused 99% of all the bad stuff that had happened to those…
It seemed odd to me that Trish hits someone a few times and they die. Jessica throws someone (everyone?) ten feet head-first into a wall and they get up and fight some more.
I think you meant that the good place becomes good enough for them. At the moment “Good Place” is clearly a misnomer.
Stop obsessing about other people’s bowels, you weirdo.
I assume that somewhere in this Kinja tree is someone remarking that that Shakespeare passage is misquoted. Don't need the clickhassle so I'll say it.
Thank you. That was the sweetest and most poignant 150-second ghost story I have ever seen,
Up. Up. down. down.
People who say that people are not people can be mocked in any polite way as far as I am concerned.