
Hamster/flying squirrel hybrid.

It reminded me of this article that I stumbled across last year:

Mark, now I'm just curious here....but what kind of penises have you seen? Because none I've ever seen look like they have a giant warty growth on the end.

In the Page Source of Warframe's website.

But I'm sharing anyway

Now that's worth a listen. The Norwegian folk metal is pretty good too, but its tough to sort through and find the ones that aren't actually white-supremacist bands, especially since I don't speak Norwegian and have to kind of take other people's word for it.

What was pedophilic about this? There wasn't anything slightly sexual about it. If you see this and immediately think "Sex" then that is your issue.

Breathing the Void

A couple of weeks late on the "Kotaku realizes that Google autocompletes are easy money", huh?

People should also pass this simple test before getting the right to use the internet.

Wales is in Britain you plonker!

Chiwetel Ejiofor was the operative in Serenity!

"Well, technically he's Welsh but he moved to England when he was one." This implies that Wales isn't part of Britain and England IS Britain. Let's sort this out please!

'Christian Bale is British. Well, technically he's Welsh, but he moved to England when he was one.'

Um..."technically he's Welsh"? The Welsh ARE British. The English are British. The Scottish are British. British does not equal English!

Wales is British! GET A MAP!

I think we should address the hack's idiotic statement about Bale first of all.

I am creating a pube-style guide (with photos and illustrations) and I have been working on it for 6 years. I have only been able to get 1 black model and 1 dark skin toned Indian model (who I have yet to actually photograph.) It is a cultural taboo for many people to show off their vulva in this vulnerable way. I