
You have to go through the homeless tornado victim phase in order to achieve magical gland status. Your glands will adjust oil production to match your washing habits, so if you can tough it out with oily hair for a few weeks (braids are helpful if you have one of those job things), you’ll eventually be able to work

Your best bet would probably be a prescription retinoid. They’re by far the cheapest option (assuming you have insurance), and it’s my understanding that they are the most effective formulations as well.

Coconut oil makes my lip stain go EVERYWHERE, what’s your secret?

She could add more POC as main characters, but the HP series wasn’t completely devoid of diversity. It’s been awhile since I read the series, but off the top of my head Dean Thomas, Angelina Johnson, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Blais Zabini, Cho Cheng, and the Patil twins are all POC.

I loved my sunlamp when I lived in a wintery place. Nothing beats just moving somewhere without winter though. I went from spending 6 months of the year trying to take the edge off through things like light therapy and exercise, to thriving year round. I know moving isn’t feasible for everyone, but if it’s something

You can set it up so it forwards to a different gmail inbox to keep your normal one unclogged. I have an inbox for emails that are actually important and intended specifically for me, another one for all the groupon/political/amazon etc. junk that I skim once a day but don’t actually have to open, and another one from

Just set up forwarding to a better account. My gmail gets email from four different accounts and eliminates the need to bother with navigating shittier platforms.

Nah, increased tolerance is characterized by a need for more of the substance in order achieve the same level of intoxication, not by a change in the type of effects. If anything, it’s more indicative of some sort of sensitization, though that’s not much of a thing with marijuana use.

Yup. The closest I’ve come to Ibiza is Burning Man. The best sunrise sets at Burning Man are at a stage called Robot Heart that rolls out at dawn for a sunrise set, and then disappears back into hiding until dawn comes again. As soon as it starts getting light out, there’s a pilgrimage to Robot Heart. In a for-profit

In what way?

That always creeped me out too. Though based on this article, maybe that’s referencing the apparent expectation that women used to say “no” but not mean it so they didn’t come off as too eager? Even if that’s the meaning, it’s still basically asking if she should be considered a slut or not, so still shitty

Oh god, there’s nothing that will set me way the fuck back in the orgasm process like being told to come. Such a turn off. I’ve gotten to the point where I will tell guys that a) telling me to do it makes it much less likely to happen, and b) my body is unpredictable and sometimes it orgasms but sometimes doesn’t, and

I’ve had that experience too, but I’m patently aware that it’s due to selection bias. Next time you go somewhere, look at all the guys and consider whether or not you’d have sex with them. Part of what you’re considering (probably without really giving it much thought) is whether or not they’d be selfish pricks in bed

It’s cause being high feels different to different people. I started out loving weed, and then went through a period where the highs stopped feeling pleasant. I started feeling uncomfortable, anxious, and tired, which is what I assume people who dislike pot experience. I took some time off and gradually reintroduced

I had forgotten about the TV, that does make it somewhat more realistic. It would be really interesting if there have actually been cases where isolation resulted in those specific behaviors. I’m studying psychology, and think that would certainly have developmental implications regarding what role socialization has

My doc just switched me to a different, stronger retin-A in the hopes that it will work better. I was on the last one for a year and a half without seeing much change in the indentation. I’m hoping this new one works, maybe I’ll look into the glycolic facial thing!

That’s manageable, can you send me the name of the peel you’ve used?

I went to my Dermatologist to ask about laser treatments and he told me I had to go to a plastic surgery clinic to get an assessment there. I was less than amused because he had me come in and pay the copay just to tell me something I should have been told on the phone. Not sure if some Dermatologists actually do the

I have not, I’m always sort of weary of strong at-home treatments because I’ve heard a handful of horror stories. Are there any aftereffects of the peels you’ve done? I know some of those sort of things leave your face all burnt-looking for a little while.

Mine aren’t as severe as ice pick scars. I can’t remember the correct term, I might have rolling scars? I believe they’re the mildest form of indentation scars and are really only visible if I’m in the right light (or if I’m the one looking for them, because we’re all experts on our own flaws). That’s awesome you’ve